Monthly Archives: January 2022

NEA-NH Testimony on HB 1255: Teacher ‘Loyalty’ Bill

Megan Tuttle, NEA-NH President, provided testimony in opposition of HB 1255 on January 20, 2022. Here is the transcript of her submitted remarks: Dear Chairman Ladd and honorable members of the House Education Committee, My name is Megan Tuttle, President of NEA-NH, where we represent over 17,000 public school educators across our state. I am here on behalf of NEA-NH to strongly object to the passage of HB 1255, which we see as a doubling down on the banned concepts law enacted in HB 2, a law already subject to 2 federal lawsuits because of the chilling effect it has […]

NEA-NH Testimony on HB 1015

Megan Tuttle, NEA-NH President, provided testimony in opposition of HB 1015 on January 20, 2022. Here is the transcript of her submitted remarks: Good morning. My name is Megan Tuttle and I represent more than 17,000 professional educators in the state as President of NEA-New Hampshire. After reading HB 1015, and other bills put forward this session regarding public education, I am left wondering “Who would want to be a teacher right now? Have you seen how professional educators are being treated?” I’ll not spend time today trying to understand the motivation behind this bill, but I will call your […]

NEA-NH Response to State Board of Education Rules Governing Temporary Transition to Remote Learning During Community-Wide COVID Outbreak

“Today, we find ourselves in the middle of what Governor Sununu said was not even the highest surge New Hampshire will see from Omicron. School districts across the state are struggling with staffing shortages as the number of cases climbs higher than ever. While educators, parents and health care professionals are focused on keeping our children and families healthy and safe, Commissioner Edelblut and the State Board of Education are focused on penalizing school districts for making the difficult decision to temporarily switch to remote instruction during a community-wide outbreak,” said Megan Tuttle, NEA-New Hampshire President. “New Hampshire educators and […]

NEA-New Hampshire Welcomes Today’s Vote to Table HB 607

“Today’s vote to table HB 607 is a bi-partisan acknowledgement of the reality that the majority of Granite Staters believe we should be investing in our public schools, not defunding them to pay private, religious, and home school expenses,” said Megan Tuttle, NEA-NH President.   If passed, HB 607 will drive MASSIVE property tax increases to pay private school tuition. The continued push by certain politicians to defund public schools with bills like HB 607 hurts our students’ chances to succeed now, and later in life. “The recently enacted voucher expansion was underestimated by 5000% and has resulted in millions […]