Yearly Archives: 2021

UPDATE: Voucher Bill Retained In Committee

This morning, the House Education committee retained HB 20, the most expansive private and religious school voucher proposal in the country. It became apparent that no amount of tinkering could fix a fundamentally flawed bill like HB 20 which would divert tax-payer money to private and religious schools and raise property taxes. We urge the legislature to refocus its efforts now to supporting our students, educators, and schools through the remainder of the pandemic with the resources they need to complete the school year safely and successfully.

CDC Re-opening Guidelines Instruct Leaders to Prioritize Consistent Use of Mitigation Efforts

New CDC guidance is first step, now leaders must make the investments to keep educators and students safe.   CONCORD, NH – New Hampshire educators have gone above and beyond to serve their students these past 11 months and have been very clear in calling for the resources needed to support a safe return to in-person instruction.  CDC science supports what NH educators have said for 11 months: Prioritize the safety of our students and staff by providing them with the resources to do exactly what the CDC has called for – put “all recommended mitigation measures in schools.” Schools […]

Financial Essentials for Young Educators

Brought to you by NEA-NH and NEA Member Benefits Have you ever asked youself these questions? How do I start saving for a new car or a house? Do I qualify for student loan forgiveness? Where and how should I start my retirement savings? Why is good credit so important? What are the financial benefits of membership in NEA-NH? NEA-NH and NEA Member Benefits wants you to be informed and to take control of your financial future! Join us ONLINE via Zoom to increase your financial awareness and to ask your questions. This seminar is presented by our partners from […]

A headshot of Megan Tuttle

The Most Expansive Voucher Bill in the Country is Headed for NH – NEA-NH Spoke in Opposition Today

HB20, the most expansive voucher program ever proposed in the United States, had its first hearing today. Make no mistake, regardless of the title, HB20 is a voucher bill. How bad are school vouchers for students? Far worse than most people imagine. According to one analysis, the use of school vouchers—which provide families with public dollars to spend on private schools—is equivalent to missing out on more than one-third of a year of classroom learning. In other words, this analysis found that the overall effect of the D.C. voucher program on students is the same as missing 68 days of school. Megan Tuttle, […]

NEA-NH: The CDC Did Not Just Give the ‘All Clear” to Return to Full-time In-person Instruction

The CDC’s recent release concludes that the current data indicate it is possible to safely reopen schools – a sentiment NEA-NH has shared for close to a year now – if the proper protocols and precautions are followed by everyone involved.  Sadly, this has not been the case in many of our schools. The CDC acknowledges that the lowest risk scenario for transmission is students and educators engaged in virtual-only classes, activities, and events. Higher risks occur with the increased personal contact associated with in-person instruction and activities, and larger class sizes.  The CDC recommends that these risks can be […]

Only in NH: Ski patrol receive vaccines before educators

Let’s be clear.  The 17,000 members of NEA-NH and their families think educators should get vaccines before ski patrol members. The Governor does not. We think masks help keep students and staff stay safe and should be mandated for all in-person learning. The Governor does not. We want the health and safety of students and staff to be priority one – that’s why our charitable foundation is distributing 4,000 child size masks to schools that haven’t received them from the Governor. We’re upset because we believe front line educators need to be vaccinated before out-of-state ski patrol members.  And so […]