Yearly Archives: 2021

NEA-NH Applauds President Biden for Prioritizing Educators for Vaccines

We have a new opportunity to keep students, educators and their families safe and focus on providing the education experience all students deserve. “We applaud the President’s announcement today reaffirming that education employees being vaccinated is a vital part of returning to full-time in-person education,” said Megan Tuttle, NEA-NH President NEA-NH has long advocated for a safe return to schools and vaccines are just one of the tools that can help accomplish that goal. It is refreshing to hear solutions coming from Washington to allow schools buildings to reopen as quickly and as safely as possible. “NEA-NH renews its offer […]

The Dismal Record of Vouchers Leaves Communities and Students Behind

The Senate began hearings on their version of a massive expansion of vouchers in New Hampshire. SB 130 establishes an “education freedom account” – better known as vouchers. Earlier this year, the House version, HB20, met with overwhelming opposition and was tabled. NEA-New Hampshire President Megan Tuttle offered her testimony in opposition to SB130 today. A copy of that testimony is included below. Madame Chairwoman and Members of the Senate Education Committee, I come before you today, amplifying the voices of more than 17,000 educators across the state, strongly opposed to Senate Bill 130 and the implications it would have […]

Social-Emotional Learning (SEL) Courses – Enrollment Closes March 4

Experts say teaching and learning during school-building closures is unrealistic if Social-Emotional Learning for students and educators is left out of the conversation. NEA is offering its members an opportunity to enroll in virtual Social-Emotional Learning courses to learn how important it is to attend to the social and emotional needs that arise during times like these. NEA’s Social-Emotional Learning courses offer a powerful means to explore and express our emotions, build relationships, and support each other – children and adults alike. REGISTER NOW FOR 2021 COURSES: SEL: Self-Awareness SEL: Relationship Skills SEL: Social Awareness SEL: Self-Management SEL: Responsible Decision […]

Muriel Hall Files to Represent the People of Bow & Dunbarton at the New Hampshire State House

Democrat Muriel Hall Files to Run in the Merrimack 23 Special Election to Continue Her Decades of Fighting for Public Education and Workers’ Rights On the first day of the filing period, Muriel Hall filed to run as a Democrat in the upcoming State House special election for the towns of Bow and Dunbarton State House district (Merrimack 23). “As a Bow resident for 36 years and a middle school teacher in the Bow School District for over 3 decades, I am ready to serve students and families in new and still meaningful ways,” said Muriel Hall. “I am excited […]

NEA-NH Elections Open March 8

“Visit the website and vote” The 2021 NEA-NH Elections will be conducted using an online platform, with a provision for those who wish to vote by paper mail-in ballot to do so. When voting opens, simply visit the website and vote. Members will be asked to provide basic information to authenticate their membership and then be taken to their ballot. No one will be emailed a ballot or credentials so there is no need to wait to vote once voting opens March 8. Candidate statements are now available to view online and will also be included in the March edition […]

NEA-NH: Governor Sununu Late to the Game, Again

CONCORD – On the same day his bill to expand vouchers in New Hampshire to levels not seen in any other state failed to clear the House Education Committee on a vote of 20-0, Governor Sununu announced a new Emergency Order forcing any New Hampshire school district not currently offering at least 2 days of in-person instruction to begin doing so by March 8. “You’re late to the game, Governor,” said Megan Tuttle, NEA-NH President.  “Educators and districts have already worked together to reopen more than 80% of NH schools for at least 2-3 days a week of in-person instruction […]