Here’s Your Opportunity to Recognize the ESPs Who Work Tirelessly in Your School

Plans are underway for Education Support Professional (ESP) Day, our annual celebration of ESPs, Wednesday, November 17, 2021, during American Education Week! While NEA recognizes ESPs and their amazing contributions to our students, schools, communities every day, we are always excited for this special opportunity to lift up their stories and impact even further.

This year, we are planning to amplify the voices of ESPs and support them through a variety of online actions. NEA’s Center for Communications and ESP Quality Department are collecting short video clips from a variety of educators and school community members with messages that show their appreciation for ESPs.

The Ask:

We are asking you to send us a short, 5-10-second video message by October 20 to help us recognize the ESPs in New Hampshire and across the country. We’re looking for videos from students, teachers, parents, administrators, aspiring educators, anyone who know just how much ESPs contribute to our school community and can share how ESPs have impacted their lives.

Recording and Submission Guidelines:

Here is a link to recording guidelines from NEA’s video production team to ensure high-quality video clips and assist you with this request. Please make sure all submitted videos are shot horizontally, following our guidelines on lighting and framing. Note that our video team will not be able to publish any videos that do not meet these guidelines. 

In order to be included our digital celebration, upload your video clip (MP4 file, labeled with your state) to our Hightail storage space no later than October 20:

Additionally, please send the name(s) of your video subject(s) to Dorothy Vu ( of the ESP Quality Department so we can include them in the caption. Any questions or technical issues should go to her as well.

Sample Script Ideas:

To help get you started, we’ve included some sample scripts and ideas you can use in your video. Feel free to customize or craft your own! The messages can range from simple 5-second messages (e.g. “Thank you, ESPs,” or “We Love Our ESPs!”) to longer 10-second messages, like the examples below:

  • Happy Education Support Professionals Day from our (teachers/students/etc.) in (school name/state name here). We love our ESPs!
  • Here in __________, New Hampshire we love our ESPs and all they do to support our school communities!
  • As a teacher, I have worked with amazing ESPs, like (name here), who has been going above and beyond to help meet the needs of our students.
  • I love ESPs, especially our (custodian/secretary/bus driver/other career), (Ms/Mr. _____), who is always there to help my friends and me.
  • Thank you to all the ESPs in our schools in (state name here) and across the country! We love our ESPs!
  • Today, I am thinking of (ESP member name(s) here) and countless others in (state name here) who help keep our students safe, healthy, and ready to learn every day.
  • I want to give a shout out to (ESP name here) who helps my (son/daughter/child) have what (he/she/they) needs to learn and grow in our school community.
  • Without ESPs, I wouldn’t have been able to teach my students through distance and hybrid learning in (state name here). Thank you.

The Deadline:

The deadline to submit a video is coming fast (October 20).

If you are interested in making this happen, please check in with NEA-NH Communications for more ideas and to answer any questions you may have about the project.