An Open Thank You Letter to the Professionals in the Keene Paraprofessionals Association

On this ESP Day, I want to thank each of you who continue to make our community a better place as we adapt to new learning and working environments.

  • Jazz B.: Outstanding Treasurer and leader in her building, brings sunshine where she goes!  Always willing to help at community events.
  • Kristen K., Vice President. Advocate for students and staff to get everyone what they need to be successful, from breakfast to books for professional development.
  • Erin W.: New Secretary who is willing to always put on her secretary hat at a moment’s notice.  Willing to speak up for things that are not safe in our buildings.
  • Megan M. is a brand-new building rep and runs the YMCA’s youth group for alcohol and tobacco reduction in teens!
  • Paula C. who is willing to lend a hand at community events the paras are hosting.
  • Holly D., high school building rep going above and beyond to help at high school events making hundreds of rice eye pillows with the students for the past 2 years.
  • Shawn S., new member who jumped in and joined the Safety and Joint Loss Committees in our district to help keep us all safe.
  • Jennifer M., preschool building rep who is always going above and beyond to create any flyer we need from her.  Super creative.
  • Bryna N., new building rep who is always willing to lend a hand and constantly trying to get new members.
  • Celia E. who is an amazing advocate for her students for the safest environment possible.
  • Jill H. who is always looking for new and creative ways to inspire her students.
  • Zola L. who has been an advocate from the beginning on making our union the best it can be.
  • Molly P., a diligent and passionate para in her work with students with multiple disabilities.
  • Sean B., a new member who the students just adore.  He is always putting the students first and creating fun, engaging lessons. He does this with a smile and laughter daily.
  • Cindy M., building rep and para who has worked in Kindergarten for a long time and brings a sense of peace and calm to her students.
  • Lynn J.  is a para who is there to listen to anyone and is willing to help students and staff.  She goes above and beyond daily in her interactions with everyone.
  • Kathleen P., a para at the high school who in the spring had to be the most creative she has ever been since she works in the culinary arts program.  She did an outstanding job at remote culinary arts.
  • Adrienne C. has stepped up into a teacher role due to a shortage of staff and has done an amazing job!
  • Kayla T., a para in Kindergarten who brings a sense of wonder and joy to her students daily despite these hard circumstances this year. 
  • Marina S. who like Molly works with students with multiple complex disabilities. She was able to connect on a new level during remote learning in the spring witnessing such growth from her lessons with her students.
  • Beth P. works very hard with her students daily, coming up with new ways to engage her students.
  • Charlene G. just joined us from another unit and was willing to jump right into negotiating a new contract after spending last year with her old unit negotiating their contract.  She is a wonderful addition to our unit.
  • Jane T.  is a compassionate educator who works to create meaningful relationships with students.
  • Lisa T., a new member who is a dedicated advocate for students who come from underprivileged backgrounds, always helping in any way possible.
  • Shelley G. was the inspiration for us creating our union 4 years ago.  She is a compassionate advocate for her preschool students and always willing to lend a calm voice in stormy times for us all.

We are an amazing group of paras, each bringing our own uniqueness to our union.  I could not do this work without the love and support of every one of you.

Thank you all!

Shannon Fuller
Keene Paraprofessional Association President

Editor’s Note: Shannon Fuller is president of the Keene Paraprofessional Association and has written grants for over $26,300 for the union’s work around mental health, trauma and substance use disorders.