NEA-New Hampshire and NEA Member Benefits Offer Virtual Retirement Seminars

Learn what you need in order to retire with peace of mind! NEA-NH and NEA Member Benefits are pleased to present virtual retirement seminars to help you plan for your retirement. This seminar is ideal for those who are 2-5 years (or more) from retirement.

We will review many of the pieces of the retirement puzzle, including:

– NH Retirement System
– Healthcare and Medicare
– Financial Planning Options
– NEA Member Benefits for Retirees

Registration is open to NEA-NH members. Please use the links below to register for the retirement seminar date and time that is most convenient for you.  A zoom link for the workshop and materials will be emailed to you before the retirement seminar.

The seminars will begin promptly, so please be ready to begin the workshop at the scheduled time.

September 30, 2020   4:00

 Register at this link:

October 15, 2020 4:00

 Register at this link:

October 28, 2020  6:30 PM

 Register at this link:

November 10, 2020   4:00

 Register at this link:–vqjwrGtLL-3LX8L0_lwtyHQrMKQRB