NH Coalition of Education Associations Announces Unified Recommendations for Long Term Remote Learning

This message is being sent collaboratively to provide unified and consistent recommendations to school boards, superintendents/central office administrators, teachers, school principals, school special education staff, support staff, other district staff and most importantly, to public school students and their parents.

As we attempt to best serve the needs of our students and parents during these uncertain times, the above-mentioned Associations have discussed our shared values and crafted these recommendations to assist the state as a whole – educators, parents, and most importantly students. 

These recommendations are just that. We recognize that the individual plans for school districts must be made with many considerations in mind. We hope that these are helpful in guiding the important decisions you need to make. As we worked collectively to develop this set of recommendations we relied on the work of other states. Specifically, those states that have laws in place for pandemic planning for schools. In follow-up communications and advisories, we are happy to share those resources.