NEA Member Benefits November News

Thanksgiving is coming and everyone needs a break. You have survived the first quarter of the year, but are now being bombarded by preparations for the upcoming Holidays—shopping for gifts, for dinner, and for all the guests coming to stay. Your hands would be full even without having to worry about classroom demands and cold and flu season—if only you had more time! Luckily, we can help you at with resources for shopping and discounts, ideas for entertaining, hassle-free holidays and even help with your upcoming student loan payments!

  • Protecting yourself and your family is so important that we have a new section of our website dedicated to helping you figure out how. Learn how to protect the Moments that Matter, Five Money Mistakes to Avoid, and don’t forget to make sure your life insurance beneficiary information is up-to-date at
  • The Holidays mean shopping—shopping for gifts, for meals when entertaining, for travel—and we can help you! Learn more about smart online shopping tips, ways to wrap up your gift list quickly and in-budget, as well as how to manage the guilt and stress of surviving the holidays at
  • Winter Break is coming and we have tips and deals for how to get away for relaxing and spending time with family and friends. Whether you are hoping to get in the Holiday spirit by checking out the top U.S. Holiday markets or you are unsure of your rights when holiday travels do go wrong, we have everything you need to make sure you enjoy a hassle-free holiday. Learn more at
  • Did you graduate last Spring and now you’re worried about your student loan payments kicking in? We can help you learn how to lower your monthly payments and even qualify for student loan forgiveness—just go to
  • Open Enrollment Season is about to end—have you made sure you’re saving all you can so that you’re able to enjoy your retirement when that time comes? Run the numbers on our Retirement calculators and read more about how to boost your savings by investing outside of your pension.