Governor Can’t Hide Behind a Prop Check

In 1980, Rosie Ruiz was declared the winner of the 84th Boston Marathon only to have that title taken away 8 days later when it was determined she did not complete the entire course.

Today Governor Sununu brazenly took credit for winning a race he did not run.

His veto of the budget passed by both the House and Senate resulted in Manchester receiving $15.2 million less than they would have. Yet, today he showed up with a life-size version of a check and claimed credit for providing the funding.

“Today’s deceitful photo opportunity cannot hide the fact that the Governor’s budget veto meant $57 million in decreases to schools in stabilization until this compromise was reached,” said Megan Tuttle, NEA-NH President.

“While the increased funding for Manchester and districts across the state is cause for celebration, let us not be deceived by the Governor bearing life-size checks. True education leaders in the House and Senate had the courage to craft a budget that included historic increases in education funding when the Governor had simply proposed more of the same inadequate levels of funding,” continued Tuttle.

“His veto made it clear his priority is keeping large, out-of-state corporations happy at the expense of our public-school students and school district taxpayers. And that is a fact he cannot hide behind a prop, life-sized check.”