This Labor Day, and Every Day, Unions Fight for Real Freedoms for Working People

Unions are critically important in giving educators a voice that allows them to advocate to ensure every student has the opportunity to receive a good education that inspires natural curiosity and a desire to learn. Educators negotiate to keep class sizes down so children have one-on-one attentions and modern tools to learn.

If corporations and politicians eliminate our freedom to form unions, they’ll continue to drive down wages, kill jobs, defund our public schools and services, silence working people at the ballot box, and cripple the fundamental values of freedom and opportunity we hold dear as Americans.

We know the truth: When the freedom to join together in unions is secure, other freedoms are likely to be too. Like the freedom to attend a parent-teacher conference or to take off work when they’re sick without fear of losing our jobs or pay for the day. Or the freedom to choose where to live because high-quality public schools are available to all communities, not just those who are wealthy. Or the freedom to retire with dignity.

Together we are calling on our elected leaders to stand with working people in the fight to raise wages and support our right to join a union.

So this Labor Day remember that labor unions are more critical to America’s success than ever. NEA-NH members know that freedom is not given, it is fought for, and it has to be protected. And we’re going to keep fighting to protect it and fix this rigged system once and for all.