NEA-NH’s Postcards to the Commissioner Campaign

NEA-NH members wrote postcards to Education Commissioner Edelblut describing how they make a difference every day.

Before becoming Commissioner of the Department of Education, Frank Edelblut had never set foot in a public school.  Now that he is in his new job, it is important that he understand just what being a public-school employee is all about.  Educators from across New Hampshire took the time to write a short postcard to the Commissioner describing in a sentence or two just one positive impact they made that day.

“The real value of neighborhood public schools comes from all the people who work and learn in them,” said Megan Tuttle, NEA-NH President. “Each day, public educators strive to connect with each child and help them unlock their potential. We believe the Commissioner needs to better understand what takes place every day in our public schools before he systematically dismantles them.”

NEA-NH will deliver the postcards to the Commissioner and will tweet a few cards a day through the fall using the hashtag #edelblutwhatdoyoudo.


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NEA-NH President Megan Tuttle explains the program in this short video.