Podcast: Homeroom 603

Homeroom 603 Podcast: Education Roundtable with Molly Kelly

Homeroom 603 caught up with Molly Kelly at a coffee shop in Salem to participate in an education roundtable with Salem-area voters. NEA-NH President Megan Tuttle joined Molly Kelly and local voters in a discussion that touched on guns in schools, funding public education in New Hampshire, and the important role public education plays in our state and society. “Public education is a core tenet of our democracy. Every child should have access to a quality public school education. That’s why I will veto any plan that takes money from our public schools to create a voucher program for private […]

Homeroom 603 Podcast: Conversation with Annie Kuster

NEA-NH’s podcast series Homeroom 603 continues with an interview with Congresswoman Annie Kuster.  NEA-NH has recommended Kuster in the upcoming November elections. Congresswomen Annie Kuster sat down with NEA-NH President Megan Tuttle and discussed a wide range of topics including: Public funding of education The Trump/DeVos education agenda The important role public education plays in American society Protecting Social Security and Medicare Easing the burden of student loans Overcoming President Trump’s steady march to sow separation Annie Kuster knows there is no greater investment than in our children’s education, and that we cannot compete in the global economy without investing […]

Homeroom 603: Conversation with Senator Donna Soucy

Homeroom 603 continues our conversations with NEA-NH recommended candidates as Senate Minority Leader and District 18 Senator Donna Soucy joins NEA-NH President Megan Tuttle to talk about public school funding, educator certification, school vouchers, fair COLA’s for retirees, and NH Senate candidates all educators should know and support. Senator Soucy believes that education should begin in early childhood and continue until a student has realized their potential and has the skills he or she needs to begin a career.  ​In an effort to make higher education more affordable, Senator Soucy supported a tuition freeze at our colleges and universities.    To […]

Homeroom 603: Conversation with District 3 Senate Candidate Chris Meier

“Chris believes that strong public schools are essential to growing our economy. I have no doubt that Chris will always stand up for our public education system in New Hampshire.” Meet Chris Meier, NEA-New Hampshire’s recommended candidate in Senate District 3 (Carroll county, plus Middleton, Milton, ant Waterville Valley).  Chris is a lawyer and partner with Cooper Cargill Chant in North Conway, and serves on the Board of Mount Washington Valley Chamber of Commerce.  He has also served on his local zoning board, local Land Trust, Community Health Center, helped create the local trails organization and is serving on the […]

Homeroom 603: Executive Councilor Andru Volinsky

NEA-NH’s series of interviews and conversations with candidates continues with Executive Councilor Andru Volinsky. NEA-NH President Megan Tuttle and NEA-NH Government Relations Director Brendon Browne sat down with Executive Councilor Andru Volinksy for a conversation on school funding, the role of the Executive Council and political district gerrymandering in New Hampshire. “Education should not be an accident of geography,” states Volinsky. “In my professional capacity as a lawyer, I have represented communities fighting to protect public funding for schools including in the Claremont School Funding suit and on behalf of the City of Dover.  As a first-term (actually first month) […]