NEA-NH Latest Posts

Gaining Experience and Proficiency Step-by-Step

As Town Meeting and elections approach, it’s important to be sure that everyone understands what Teacher Salary Steps are and how they work. It is common practice across the country […]

NEA-NH President Applauds House Committee Vote

House ED&A Committee votes to move educator death benefit forward with a recommendation of Ought to Pass with Amendment CONCORD, NH – January 31, 2018 – NEA-New Hampshire President Megan […]

NEA-NH President ‘s Testimony Against SB 193

  On Tuesday, NEA-New Hampshire President Megan Tuttle provided the testimony listed below to the House Finance Committee in opposition to SB 193, the unconstitutional voucher bill currently under consideration. […]

Tips, Tricks, and Guidance for New Educators

NEA is Expanding and Rebranding our Support for Early Career Educators! Formerly called NEA Today for New Educators, our new site is NEA Today’s School Me. NEA is dedicated to […]

NEA-NH Statement on SB 193

NH Legislature Plans to Raise Property Taxes by Starving Towns of Millions of Dollars. Concord, NH, December 20, 2017 – NEA-New Hampshire North Country Executive Board Member Jon Dugan-Henriksen released […]