NEA-NH Latest Posts

House Passes Common Sense School Safety Gun Bill

NEA-NH applauds today’s House vote to move HB564 to the Senate to help make NEW Hampshire schools safer places for our children. “Guns have no place in safe school zones. […]

James Patterson Donates $1.25M to Classroom Libraries

NEW YORK (AP) — James Patterson’s latest gift for literacy is a $1.25 million pledge to classroom libraries. On Tuesday, the best-selling author announced the fifth installment for his Patterson […]

Dover Teachers Hold Second #Red4ED Event

After their second walk-in and walk-out (working to contracted hours), Dover teachers rallied outside city hall before tonight’s school board meeting. Dover Teachers Union negotiators meet with the board for […]

NEA-NH Affiliates in the Eastern Region Connect With Voters

At Town Meetings and at the polls, NEA-NH affiliates in the Eastern Region had nine agreements ratified by voters. Barrington Education Association Freedom Education Association Gov Wentworth Education Association  Gov […]