NEA-NH Latest Posts

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NEA-NH Recommends Volinsky for Governor

Volinsky believes as we do that our schools must be safe environments that are funded fairly.  July 30, 2020 – CONCORD, NH – Public school students, educators and their families […]

NEA-NH Releases Principles for Reopening

District plans that include any amount of in-person instruction need to follow these steps before beginning such instruction or allowing staff and students into a school building. July 22, 2020 […]

Governor’s Guidelines Will Not Keep Students Safe

During yesterday’s press briefing, Governor Sununu took a 30-minute victory lap to tout New Hampshire’s impressive COVID-19 results. With charts and graphs he explained where we now stand in the country […]

NEA-NH Legislative Update: Session Wrap-up

Introduction This legislative session has certainly been one of the strangest and most memorable ones I or anyone else have experienced. The pandemic essentially shut down the New Hampshire legislature […]