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OPPOSE HB 1206: New Version of “Teacher Loyalty Bill” – Now “Educator Indoctrination”

ACTION REQUESTED: Please sign in and/or submit written testimony to OPPOSE this bill being heard on Monday, January 8 at 2:30 pm in the House Education Committee. HB 1206 is a revamped version of a rejected bill two years ago called the “teacher loyalty” bill. It has a similar goal and approach to the banned concepts law: chill the delivery of an honest and accurate education by frightening educators with a vague law and harsh punishment.   HB 1206 states that “educators shall not present unproved theories as fact” and “an educator shall not push or assert, advocate for, or […]

White poster board with text that reads: Support NH Educators, Students, Public Schools

A photo of the New Hampshire State House dome.

New Hampshire Legislative Session Starts with Attacks on Public Education

The New Hampshire Legislature began its 2024 session this week. The House met for two days to act on bills from the 2023 session. The Senate dealt with leftover bills on Wednesday, and conducted its first public hearings of 2024, including ones on important bills impacting public education and NEA-NH members. Thank you to all the members who signed in against the bills that had hearings this week that seek to resurrect last year’s parental rights legislation and expand private school vouchers.   Click here to view our full legislative tracker to see all the bills we are following this session. […]

NH Educators Oppose Efforts to Expand Unaccountable Voucher Scheme 

CONCORD, NH – Today, the New Hampshire Senate Education Committee heard testimony on two bills that would expand our state’s private school voucher program – SB 442 and SB 522.   Megan Tuttle, President of NEA-New Hampshire, provided the following statement after the hearings:  “At a time when New Hampshire should be investing more in public education and building environments where all students can be successful, it is disappointing that some lawmakers want to divert even more public funds for private and religious school costs. We know how to improve educational outcomes and we’re counting on New Hampshire’s elected officials to […]

A white sign held in front of the Legislative Office Building reads: Support Our Public Schools"

A photo of the New Hampshire State House dome.

PRESS RELEASE: Bipartisan NH Senate Vote Moves SB 217 Forward to Establish a Rural and Underserved Area Educator Incentive Program for Higher Education 

CONCORD, NH – Today, the New Hampshire Senate passed SB 217-FN on a voice vote, to create a student loan forgiveness program for educators who work in rural and underserved areas. This initiative would help rural school districts recruit and retain educators by providing up to $12,000 for public school educators to pay off their college loans. The bill next goes to Senate Finance for further consideration.  Student debt assistance is one recommendation contained in a recently released legislative report that identified contributing factors to New Hampshire’s teacher shortage and outlined findings to address the crisis.   Megan Tuttle, President of […]

First Week of 2024 Session Starts with Action on Retained Bills and Hearings on Extreme Voucher Expansion Bills and “Parental Bill of Rights”

This is the first week of the 2024 Legislative Session. The state Senate is in session on January 3 and the House of Representatives is in session on January 3 and 4.   Let’s start with a state legislature primer/refresh. In New Hampshire, all bills eventually get a floor vote in their respective chamber. First up this week, the House and Senate will act on all bills that were held in committees from last year (retained bills). Each bill has a recommendation from the committee it was heard in. Committee recommendations include Ought to Pass (OTP), Ought to Pass with […]

Members of the NEA-NH Staff pose with Senator Becky Whitley and sculptor Ben Victor in the "Christa" Room.

Well-Deserved Recognition: Artist Picked to Design Christa McAuliffe Memorial at the NH State House

As a social studies teacher, astronaut, and NEA-New Hampshire member, Christa McAuliffe touched the lives of countless students in her community, our state, and our country and inspired us all to reach for the stars.   This week, NEA-New Hampshire staff members had the honor of meeting with Ben Victor, the sculptor chosen for the Christa McAuliffe Memorial that will be placed on the New Hampshire State House plaza.  The memorial is slated to be finished and installed by September 2, 2024 – which would have been McAuliffe’s 76th birthday. She taught at Concord High School and was chosen for […]