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HB 1402: Take a Test…And you Get a Diploma!

ACTION REQUESTED: Before the public hearing on January 16th at 10am, please urge the House Education Committee to reject HB 1402 so we can ensure students who hold a New Hampshire high school diploma have had the opportunity to master the competencies that will help them succeed. HB 1402 gives the Commissioner of Education the power to develop a high school proficiency exam and adopt his own rules and procedures for administering that exam. Passing this unnamed exam would also result in that student testing out of high school and receiving a “state” or local school district diploma and would […]

White poster board with text that reads: Support NH Educators, Students, Public Schools

A white sign held in front of the Legislative Office Building reads: Support Our Public Schools"

Four More Voucher Expansion Bills Up for Consideration

ACTION REQUESTED: Sign in to OPPOSE four voucher expansion bills being heard on Wednesday, January 17th in the House Education Committee. Please note, comprehensive instructions on how to sign in can be found at the bottom of this email.  There are several bills being heard in the House Education Committee next week that would expand eligibility for the private school voucher system so that anyone could qualify for the program regardless of their income either because the income qualification requirement is eliminated or because the categories created in the bill are so broad that it is effectively a universal voucher program.   […]

PRESS RELEASE: At Legislative Hearing, Broad Coalition of Labor Groups Tell Lawmakers: “Right-to-Work” is Still Wrong for New Hampshire

CONCORD, NH – Today, the New Hampshire House Labor Committee held a public hearing on HB 1377, the latest attempt to push so-called “right-to-work” legislation in a state that has rejected similar attempts multiple times.  At the time of the public hearing, 887 individuals had signed in to oppose “Right-to-Work”; 29 individuals had signed in to support HB 1377. In response to HB 1377, labor groups issued the following statements: “While out-of-state billionaires and DC lobbyists continue to enlist legislators to introduce identical bills, year in and year out, our elected representatives of both political parties have voted to defeat […]

Signs held at the NH Legislative Office Building read "Right to Work" is WRONG for NH

NEA-New Hampshire Hosts Roundtable Discussion with U.S. Education Secretary Cardona on Impact of Public Service Loan Forgiveness Program

Over 750,000 educators and public service workers have received $53.5 billion in student loan forgiveness through the Limited PSLF Waiver (and counting). On January 10, NEA-New Hampshire members and staff participated in a roundtable with U.S. Department of Education Secretary Miguel Cardona to discuss the positive impact of the Public Service Loan Forgiveness program.  The PSLF program was created in recognition of the many ways public service workers make our communities, and our nation, better. However, for too long the system was broken, meaning educators who earned cancellation were being rejected from forgiveness. Thanks to the advocacy of educators and […]

PRESS RELEASE: NH Educators Oppose Revision of “Teacher Loyalty Bill” That Seeks to Chill Classroom Conversations and Delivery of Honest and Accurate Curriculum 

CONCORD, NH – Today, the New Hampshire House Education Committee heard testimony on HB 1206, which mimics the so-called “teacher loyalty” bill rejected in 2022. It is yet another vaguely written law with a potentially harsh punishment intended to chill honest and accurate classroom conversations that will harm student outcomes.  At the time of the hearing, 256 individuals had signed in to oppose HB 1206; 7 individuals signed in to support HB 1206.   Megan Tuttle, President of NEA-New Hampshire, provided the following statement after the hearing:  “HB 1206 is yet another attempt to stifle classroom conversations and intimidate teachers […]

HB 1377: So-Called “Right to Work” Legislation is Still Wrong for NH

ACTION REQUESTED: Please sign in to OPPOSE HB 1377, which is being heard on Wednesday, January 10 at 3:00 pm in the House Labor Committee using the House online testimony submission tool. Speaking of re-run legislation, so-called “right to work” legislation is back again in the form of HB 1377 and will be heard this coming week in the House Labor committee. This anti-worker effort is still an attack on collective bargaining and an attempt to weaken unions. For decades NEA-NH has fought against this legislation because it is the centerpiece of an agenda to maximize corporate profits by passing […]