A society made stronger through world class public education

NH House Education: HB 204, HB 371, HB 382, HB 550, HB 552, HB 634

LOB, Room 205-207

HB 204, Public Hearing 09:00 AM: Title: relative to non-academic surveys in schools., link: https://fastdemocracy.com/bill/nh/2023/bills/NHB00010921/ HB 371, Public Hearing 11:30 AM: Title: establishing a commission to evaluate and recommend standards for public […]

NH House Education: HB 377, HB 437, HB 623

LOB, Room 205-207

HB 377, Full Committee Work Session 01:00 PM (see bill docket): Title: relative to screening and intervention in public schools for dyslexia and related disorders., link: https://fastdemocracy.com/bill/nh/2023/bills/NHB00010113/ HB 437, Full Committee […]