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Public Hearing on HB 1619 in the House Education Committee

January 22, 2024 @ 11:15 am - 12:00 pm

ACTION REQUESTED: Please sign or write testimony in OPPOSITION TO HB 1691 which is being heard in House Education on Monday, January 22nd at 11:15am.

In 2022, Commissioner Edelblut asked the legislature to strip out a number of the core domain areas which are required of public schools when determining the delivery of an adequate education. After hearing from hundreds of educators, lawmakers rejected efforts to water down standards for public education and made the core content areas more robust.

HB 1691 is essentially that same bill that was previously rejected. HB 1691 would cut the core knowledge domains into four: math, science, social studies, and English Language Arts. The law would require schools to give “attention to” the other specified content areas: art, health and physical education, engineering, computer science, digital literacy, and world languages.  Once again, some politicians are trying to water down what must be included and funded as part of an adequate education. Let’s not go backwards on offering a robust education for every student in New Hampshire. If we want to best prepare our students to succeed in the future, watering down our academic standards is not the way to go.

Click here to sign in to urge the House Education Committee to reject efforts to weaken academic standards in New Hampshire.


January 22, 2024
11:15 am - 12:00 pm
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