Member Activity

NEA-NH Fall Instructional Conference Moves Online

Save the Date: Every Tuesday and Friday in October, 4-5:30pm, for your professional development needs. Let’s come together for a Covid-style, ONLINE, Fall instructional Conference unlike any other! Tell your friends to block those times. All courses will be directly related to member requests during this unique year. Invites to come via email very soon!

NEA-NH Statement on Executive Council Board of Education Vote

The State Board of Education is responsible for providing leadership and oversight to our education system. This requires experience in education, whether that be prior service on a school board, in  school administration or as an educator in a classroom; a demonstrated commitment and advocacy around advancing educational policies and outcomes; or any other activity that indicates the nominee has the experience and expertise to best serve our state’s children, the vast majority of whom attend public schools. NEA-NH routinely opposes nominations that do not demonstrate a background in public education or the expertise to guide the 167 school districts […]

Calling All NEA Members: Take the Census—Spread the Word!

NEA has been working to make sure all our members, students and communities are fully and properly counted in the U.S. Census, the federal government’s headcount of U.S. households that occurs every 10 years. The information collected by the Census is vitally important to the allocation of federal education funding to states and localities. Find out more about the U.S. Census through these NEA resources: U.S. Census Web Page: 40-second Census Video: Article: Educators Continue Census Outreach, Despite COVID-19, in Ed Votes. By now households should have received invitations in the mail to fill out the Census […]


The Spring Membership Trainings have been canceled. While we deal with current circumstances, membership continues to be a priority for NEA-NH. As we examine ways to assist local leaders gain membership, at this time it appears the best way we can do that is to provide timely and useful information about developments at the federal and state level, to encourage members and leaders to work with their Uniserv Directors to resolve issues and to protect member rights, and to work with our education allies to make certain changes to the profession benefit educators and education employees and their students. We […]

NEA-NH Releases Statement of Principles-COVID-19

As the state of emergency continues, the safety of our students, educators, and all their families remains our top priority. Our actions, decisions and recommendations are based on these principles, which have been divided into three areas: Health and Safety of Students and Educators, Professional Issues Relating to Teachers, ESPs and other Education Employees, and Information and Communication. The document can be viewed or downloaded here.

NH Educators: Commitment to Students Doesn’t Change During Pandemic

NEA-New Hampshire agrees that protective measures should be taken to help slow and contain the spread of COVID-19, and supports the Governor’s recent actions closing schools. “It’s important to remember that while school buildings may be closed, school remains in session with teachers and students continuing their important work through remote learning,” said Megan Tuttle, NEA-NH President. “Education professionals continue their important role in the communities we serve. We are working hard, stepping up to the challenge of bringing distance learning to every community in New Hampshire so our students’ education can continue.” New Hampshire schools have already delivered remote […]