Great Schools

The Scott McGilvray Children’s Fund – Real Students, Real Families, Real Help

Created by NEA–New Hampshire, the Scott McGilvray Children’s Fund helps kids be ready to learn because a child’s physical, social, or emotional needs should never stand in the way of classroom success.  For more than 25 years we’ve helped children obtain items or services essential to their well-being and success in school, including clothes, medical care, food, transportation, or related services not provided by other agencies. We all know that educators are caring and empathetic – it’s what drove many of us to the profession in the first place. Very often, an educator is the first one to notice when […]

NEA-NH: Sununu Silences Educators By Signing Budget

CONCORD, June 25, 2021 – Once again, Governor Sununu has failed even the simplest test of leadership. Rather than chart a course that would help the largest number of New Hampshire families, students, parents, and taxpayers, he signed a dangerous and harmful budget at 4:45pm on a Friday afternoon.  In his ongoing attempt to defund and dismantle public education, he signed a budget that silences educators while robbing our public schools of needed funds to pay for private school vouchers for the wealthy. We will not be deterred. New Hampshire educators will persevere in their commitment to prepare our students […]

UPDATE: Voucher Bill Retained In Committee

This morning, the House Education committee retained HB 20, the most expansive private and religious school voucher proposal in the country. It became apparent that no amount of tinkering could fix a fundamentally flawed bill like HB 20 which would divert tax-payer money to private and religious schools and raise property taxes. We urge the legislature to refocus its efforts now to supporting our students, educators, and schools through the remainder of the pandemic with the resources they need to complete the school year safely and successfully.

Webinar 1/27: Winning the Fight to Preserve Public Education

Betsy DeVos has resigned as Secretary of Education, and under the incoming Biden administration, federal education policy will be led by an educator and public school graduate, Connecticut state education commissioner Miguel Cardona. For the first time in four years, public school educators will have a partner in Washington. But the right-wing effort to dismantle public education in the United States isn’t going away without a fight. And we can’t win that fight without understanding how and why it began. Join NEA-NH members and allies on January 27 at 7:00PM for a webinar to learn about the origins of the […]

NEA-NH: Current STRRT Proposals Do Not Go Far Enough To Protect Students and Educators

June 23, 2020 – CONCORD, NH -The STRRT Task Force reviewed half of their preliminary draft recommendations and sub-actions for reopening New Hampshire’s public schools today during an online meeting where members worked to fine tune the recommendations prior to submitting them to the Governor on June 30. “We are concerned that these recommendations do not go far enough to protect the health of our students and staff, and that loosening these guidelines even further seemed acceptable to the Commissioner and some members of the Task Force,” said Megan Tuttle, President of NEA-New Hampshire. “We watched in disbelief as the […]

Commissioner Edelblut Just Does Not Get It.

There are so many important issues that need addressing in our schools right now, but our Commissioner keeps fighting the “Learn Everywhere” battle over and over and over. “Racial inequalities, food insecurity, and the health and safety of our students and staff during any reopening of schools should be his focus right now,” said Megan Tuttle, NEA-NH President.  “Instead, he continues to push his program to bully school districts into accepting graduation credits from unqualified sources.”  At a time when more than 2 million Americans have contracted COVID-19 and more than 114,000 have died from the disease, instead of trying […]