NEA-NH Joins Veterans Day Outreach Effort

This Veterans Day the White River Junction Veterans Affairs (VA) Medical Center would like to connect with those in Vermont and New Hampshire who have served. “The U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs is requesting your assistance in reaching veterans in your community. As part of celebrating Veterans Day 11/11/19 we are trying to make contact with as many veterans as possible throughout the region and offer them healthcare and other ancillary services,” said Becky Rhoads, Au. D, Associate Medical Center Director. “We would like to say thank you and have a chance to give back. lf you are not enrolled […]

NEA Member Benefits November News

Thanksgiving is coming and everyone needs a break. You have survived the first quarter of the year, but are now being bombarded by preparations for the upcoming Holidays—shopping for gifts, for dinner, and for all the guests coming to stay. Your hands would be full even without having to worry about classroom demands and cold and flu season—if only you had more time! Luckily, we can help you at with resources for shopping and discounts, ideas for entertaining, hassle-free holidays and even help with your upcoming student loan payments! Protecting yourself and your family is so important that we […]

FMLA Benefit Now Available to Education Support Professionals

“In December of 2006 tragedy hit my family. My husband was diagnosed with a rare advanced cancer and he required immediate surgery and would undergo intense chemotherapy in Lebanon over the next year. During this time I was able to use the sick time I had accrued to care for him after the surgery and take him to his biweekly appointments.” That is how her testimony to the Senate Committee began. In 2014, NEA-NH Executive Board Member Melissa Alexander started working on a crusade to ensure no other education professional would have to go through what she experienced. Denied time […]

NEA-NH Announces Fall Retirement Planning Seminar Schedule

NEA-NH and NEA Member Benefits offer useful information to help you plan your retirement. Don’t miss this event! Learn what you need in order to retire with peace of mind! NEA-NH and NEA Member Benefits are pleased to present these retirement seminars to help you plan for your retirement. These seminars are ideal for those who are 2-5 years (or more) from retirement. We will review many of the pieces of the retirement puzzle, including:  NH Retirement System Healthcare and Medicare Financial Planning Options NEA Member Benefits for Retirees There are several different seminar dates and locations from which […]

For ESPs, Being the Best for Students Requires Continuous Learning

It’s common knowledge amongst educators that professional development for education support professionals (ESPs) is largely non-existent or irrelevant, if offered at all. Whether five or 20 years on the job, ESPs receive limited access to career learning opportunities unless they provide it themselves. “Everyone thinks professional development is for teachers only,” says Matthew Powell, custodial supervisor at Central Elementary School in Mayfield, Ky. “But ESPs also need the opportunity to learn and grow in their careers.” After working for 12 years as a special education paraeducator, Powell returned to college to complete a bachelor’s degree in educational studies. To meet […]

Recognition Long Overdue: Congress Approves National Award Program for ESPs

by John Rosales, NEAToday After the U.S. House of Representatives overwhelmingly passed the Recognizing Achievement in Classified School Employees Act (H.R. 276) by a vote of 387-19 in February, the Senate quickly followed suit with its own unanimous approval in March. “This recognition is way overdue,” said Debby Chandler, president of the National Council for Education Support Professionals (NCESP), which works within the National Education Association (NEA) to represent the interests and issues of education support professionals (ESP). It has taken more than a decade of seemingly endless meetings between elected officials in Washington, political appointees from two different presidential […]