Census Resources for Educators – Everyone Counts

The importance of the U.S. Census to the well-being of children and the strength of their public schools cannot be overstated. Using census data, the federal government allocates tens of billions of dollars in education funds to states and localities annually using formulas that factor in population and poverty levels. An accurate census count is the critical first step to helping educators address the needs of every child who walks through their doors. The census count happens only once every 10 years; when we undercount young children, the consequences can last most of their childhood. NEA has collected census resources […]

NEA-NH Retirement Planning Seminar Dates Announced

We all hope for a well-deserved retirement with financial security. NEA-NH and NEA Member Benefits are pleased to present seminars to help you plan and prepare. A well-planned retirement can result in fiscal security, but there are many factors to consider. Come and learn how to take full advantage of the resources available to you. Registration for this seminar is $10 per person for NEA-NH members; each can bring one guest for an additional $10.The seminar will run from 4:00-6:00 p.m. Space is limited so register right away by clicking on the workshop you wish to attend: Concord – 2/20/20 Concord […]

Portion of 2018-2019 NEA-NH Dues Dollars Not Tax Deductible

The Revenue Reconciliation Act of 1993 eliminated the individual federal income tax deduction for lobbying expenses paid or incurred as part of membership dues. This affects only those members who itemize deductions and meet the two-percent minimum requirement for additional miscellaneous deductions. Those members will not be able to deduct that portion of the NEA–NH 2018-19 union dues attributable to lobbying. The non-deductible portion of the dues for 2018-2019 is 9.68% or $44.54 for a full-time teacher.

Newmarket Support Staff Builds Better Wages and Benefits

My name is Pam Young and I am a paraprofessional in the Newmarket School District and President of the Newmarket Support Staff, which includes paraprofessionals and tutors. I became a paraprofessional in Newmarket eight years ago, so I could help children in my town and work hours that coincided with my own kids’ schedules. Working in the district, and being a parent of three children in the same district, gave me insight into what the support staff do every day for kids. This work is challenging and paraprofessionals and tutors work hard to ensure students are safe and successful in […]

NEA-NH Applauds Fiscal Committee Vote to Reject Charter Grant

NEA-New Hampshire applauds the vote of the fiscal committee this morning to reject the $46 million grant Education Commissioner Edelblut planned to use to double the number of charter schools in New Hampshire. “Cashing Betsy DeVos’ $46 million check obligated New Hampshire taxpayers to coming up with new long term funding for years to come, jeopardizing our neighborhood public schools,” said Megan Tuttle, NEA-NH President. “We support efforts to increase charter accountability and slow the diversion of resources from neighborhood public schools to charters.” “The first five years for a new charter school are the most tenuous because of the […]

Colebrook Support Staff Votes to Join NEA-NH

Colebrook’s thirty paraprofessionals, custodians, maintenance workers, secretaries and administrative assistants recently voted to organize and affiliate with NEA-New Hampshire, joining the majority of school support personnel in the North Country. Support staff began their effort this fall, talking with their colleagues and circulating petition cards to call for an election to organize with NEA-NH. Leaders collected more than the required number of signatures needed for an election, so the New Hampshire Public Employee Labor Relations Board (PELRB) held the election November 19 in the Colebrook School library. Staff voters approved the union by an overwhelming margin. “We hope that forming […]