Census Resources for Educators – Everyone Counts

The importance of the U.S. Census to the well-being of children and the strength of their public schools cannot be overstated. Using census data, the federal government allocates tens of billions of dollars in education funds to states and localities annually using formulas that factor in population and poverty levels. An accurate census count is the critical first step to helping educators address the needs of every child who walks through their doors. The census count happens only once every 10 years; when we undercount young children, the consequences can last most of their childhood. NEA has collected census resources […]

Portion of 2018-2019 NEA-NH Dues Dollars Not Tax Deductible

The Revenue Reconciliation Act of 1993 eliminated the individual federal income tax deduction for lobbying expenses paid or incurred as part of membership dues. This affects only those members who itemize deductions and meet the two-percent minimum requirement for additional miscellaneous deductions. Those members will not be able to deduct that portion of the NEA–NH 2018-19 union dues attributable to lobbying. The non-deductible portion of the dues for 2018-2019 is 9.68% or $44.54 for a full-time teacher.

NEA-NH Applauds Fiscal Committee Vote to Reject Charter Grant

NEA-New Hampshire applauds the vote of the fiscal committee this morning to reject the $46 million grant Education Commissioner Edelblut planned to use to double the number of charter schools in New Hampshire. “Cashing Betsy DeVos’ $46 million check obligated New Hampshire taxpayers to coming up with new long term funding for years to come, jeopardizing our neighborhood public schools,” said Megan Tuttle, NEA-NH President. “We support efforts to increase charter accountability and slow the diversion of resources from neighborhood public schools to charters.” “The first five years for a new charter school are the most tenuous because of the […]

NEA-NH Election Filing Period Closes January 15, 2020

The filing period to run for NEA-New Hampshire offices closes at 5:00 p.m. January 15, 2020. All candidates for office must file in writing for the office for which they wish to run. All that is needed is a simple statement of your intent to be a candidate and the office for which you are running. For example, “It is my intent to run for Executive Board member for the North Country Region.” Include your name and the local association in which you are a member. This statement needs to be sent to: The Elections Committee, c/o Rick Trombly, NEA–NH, […]

NEA-NH Budget Hearing Schedule Announced

NEA-NH will be holding proposed budget hearings on the following dates at the following locations. There are eight (8) meetings scheduled this year as the Southern Region and the South Central Region will be combined. Delegates are welcome to attend any, and as many, budget hearings as they would like. Please just be sure to RSVP to the appropriate UniServ Assistant by the dates indicated to allow us to accommodate meals and seating. This is your chance to comment on the budget proposal that will be voted on during the NEA-NH Delegate Assembly this March in Nashua. The budget funds […]

Is That Mason The Moose?

In case you haven’t heard, Mason is a Moose on the Loose in NH!! Moose on the Loose is a new curriculum for upper elementary students focusing on state history, civics, economics, and geography developed by the NH Historical Society in conjunction with educators across NH. The website is unit based allowing you to teach all of the units or just a few, and includes student and educator material available for use for free. You can find explainer videos and virtual field trips on the site as well. There are options for inquiry-based and place-based instruction. All the units can […]