NEA-NH Fall Instructional Conference Moves Online

Save the Date: Every Tuesday and Friday in October, 4-5:30pm, for your professional development needs. Let’s come together for a Covid-style, ONLINE, Fall instructional Conference unlike any other! Tell your friends to block those times. All courses will be directly related to member requests during this unique year. Invites to come via email very soon!

NEA-NH Releases Statement of Principles-COVID-19

As the state of emergency continues, the safety of our students, educators, and all their families remains our top priority. Our actions, decisions and recommendations are based on these principles, which have been divided into three areas: Health and Safety of Students and Educators, Professional Issues Relating to Teachers, ESPs and other Education Employees, and Information and Communication. The document can be viewed or downloaded here.

Coronavirus Impact on NEA-NH Events UPDATED

All NEA-NH events that require significant numbers of members to interact face-to-face are being examined to determine if they should be postponed, canceled, or moved to an online platform. The NEA-NH Delegate Assembly scheduled for March 13 has been postponed and will be rescheduled. NEA-NH Youth Suicide Prevention Conference scheduled for March 28 will be moved to an abbreviated online format on the same date. Registered participants will be notified via email of the updates and changes. NEA-NH ESP Conference scheduled for April 4 has been postponed and will be rescheduled. NEA-NH Retirement Seminars scheduled for 3/18, 3/25 and 3/31 […]

2020 NEA-New Hampshire Field Set for NEA-NH March Elections

The filing period to run for NEA-New Hampshire offices has closed and this year’s slate of candidates has been set. Voting begins March 8 and closes at 5:00 p.m. on March 22, 2020. Again this year, voting will be conducted online. Access to the online voting site for members will begin at 12:01 a.m. March 8, 2020. Candidates are entitled to submit statements and photographs for this issue of the Educator. In accordance with NEA-NH board policy, candidates for statewide offices including president, vice president, secretary/treasurer, NEA Director and Alternate Director shall have the opportunity to submit statements of not […]