Daily Archives: February 14, 2025

2/14/25: NEA-NH Legislative Update

This Week: Big Wins for Public Education and Labor  HB 283 – Anti-Public Education Bill Rejected by House Education Committee  The House Education Policy and Administration Committee voted unanimously to kill HB 283, the legislation that would have gutted crucial areas of content as part of the definition of an adequate education. An unprecedented 30,000 people signed in or wrote in to oppose this bill and dozens more came to testify in person against it. This sent a loud and strong message to extreme politicians that New Hampshire values public education. The bill will next go to the full House […]

PRESS RELEASE: Joint Statement from Labor Leaders Following the Defeat of House Bill 238-FN, “Right-to-Work”

Concord – Today, the New Hampshire House of Representatives voted 200-180 to Indefinitely Postpone House Bill 238-FN, this year’s version of the fraudulently-titled “Right-to-Work” bill. In response to the House of Representatives Indefinite Postponement of HB 238-FN “Right-to-Work” labor leaders issued the following statements: “For the fortieth consecutive time, so-called “Right-to-Work” is dead. Once again, today, a bipartisan coalition of legislators did their job, listened to their constituents, and voted to kill House Bill 238-FN, this year’s version of the fraudulently titled “Right-to-Work.” Every new legislature for the last 40 years has seen this attack on workers’ rights and every […]