Yearly Archives: 2024

PRESS RELEASE: NH Department of Education “306 Rules” Revision Draft Fails to Protect Strong Standards for Public Schools in New Hampshire

CONCORD, NH – On Wednesday, April 3, the State Board of Education held the first of two public hearings on the proposed revision of the state’s “Minimum Standards for Public School Approval” – also known as the “306 Rules” – that has the potential to impact every facet of education for educators and students.   Following the hearing, NEA-New Hampshire President Megan Tuttle released this statement:  “From the beginning of the 306 Rules revision process, educators have had to fight their way to the table when they should have been invited from the start. While NEA-New Hampshire has taken every opportunity […]

March 29: NEA-NH Legislative Update

Re-Cap This Week: House Fails to Remove Subpoena Bill from Table and House Education Committee Hears Loan Repayment and Classroom Temperature Control Bills  HB 1353: Subpoena Power for Ed Commissioner Effectively Defeated  Last week, education advocates successfully tabled HB 1353, a bill that would grant subpoena power to the Education Commissioner in certain educator code of cases. This week, House lawmakers intent on giving the Commissioner this extraordinary authority attempted to take the bill off the table, however, it failed by a vote of 183-194. Having not passed by the deadline for acting on House bills not in a second […]

New Hampshire House of Representatives Stands Up for Educators, Rejects Subpoena Power for Education Commissioner

CONCORD, NH – Yesterday, HB 1353 remained on the table at the conclusion of the House Session. Having not passed by the deadline for acting on House bills not in a second committee, the bill would now require 2/3 vote to pass – which means it has effectively been defeated. This bill sought to give the New Hampshire Education Commissioner subpoena power in certain educator code of conduct cases and open more avenues for educator intimidation and abuse of power.   Megan Tuttle, President of NEA-New Hampshire, provided the following statement after the vote:  “HB 1353 sought to concentrate too much power […]

A photo of the New Hampshire State House dome.

March 22: NEA-NH Legislative Update

Re-Cap This Week: House Tables Education Commissioner Subpoena Bill and Senate Punts on Student Surveillance, Again   HB 1353: Subpoena Power for Ed Commissioner Tabled – Still Need to Take Action!  The House this week tabled HB 1353, a bill that would grant subpoena power to the Education Commissioner in certain educator code of conduct cases after its accompanying amendment was defeated on a division vote of 169 – 178. The bill, however, can be taken off the table up until the conclusion of next week’s March 28th session day, the deadline for bills not already in a second committee. This […]

NHEEP asks, “What can we do about it?”: A question to empower joyful changemakers in an uncertain time

By Aubrey Nelson, NHEEP In a world that can feel rather grim at times, especially as a teacher (in my case I’m a climate educator for NH and VT Energy Education Program), I want to tell you a bit about inspiration, energy and action…. And how we can cultivate more of it.  Last night I was meeting with a group of educators from across the state who have woven project-based learning into their curriculum, including a teacher in Gorham, NH. Her students are working to make their town more pedestrian and bike-friendly by redesigning cross-walks after a woman was killed […]

White poster board with text that reads: Support NH Educators, Students, Public Schools

March 15: NEA-NH Legislative Update

Commissioner Subpoena Power, Partisan School Board Races, and Educator Student Surveillance Lead House and Senate Votes Next Week This week we are packed with a slew of major bills that will impact educators, students, and public education as a whole. Educator voices are critical to the outcome of these bills. After some razor thin wins and losses last week in the House in particular, please take a close look at the bills and contact your state representative(s) where we have links to take action. Key House Votes Next Week HB 1353 – Education Commissioners Should Not Have Subpoena Power ACTION […]