Daily Archives: February 8, 2024

NH House Votes to Expand Education Voucher Eligibility to 500% of Federal Poverty Level, Rejects Universal Vouchers

CONCORD, NH – Today, the New Hampshire House of Representatives cast a series of mixed votes on three bills that would expand education voucher eligibility in our state.   Two additional voucher expansion bills still await a full vote in the New Hampshire House after deadlocking in Committee, 10-10. HB 1652 would create the ability for a school district to adopt a local school district voucher program. HB 1677 extends eligibility for the voucher program to students who participated in the program in the preceding year, students whose enrollment transfer requests were denied, and to students in school districts which performed […]

A photo of the New Hampshire State House dome.

New Hampshire Senate Votes Again to Establish a Rural and Underserved Area Educator Incentive Program for Higher Education; Amendment Funds at $1 

CONCORD, NH – Today, the New Hampshire Senate voted “Ought to Pass as Amended” on SB 217-FN on a voice vote. While the bill as filed set aside $3 million over two years to create and fund a student loan forgiveness program for educators who work in rural and underserved areas, as amended, this bill sets aside $1. The bill next goes to the House of Representatives for further consideration.  Student debt assistance is one recommendation contained in a recent legislative report that identified contributing factors to New Hampshire’s teacher shortage and outlined findings to address the crisis.   Megan Tuttle, […]