Daily Archives: January 31, 2024

PRESS RELEASE: NH House Education Committee Splits on Voucher Expansion Package; Five Bills Headed to the House Floor Without Recommendation 

CONCORD, NH – This week, the New Hampshire House Education Committee split 10-10 on five bills that would dramatically expand our state’s voucher program: HB 1634; HB 1677; HB 1561; HB 1665; and HB 1652. Two of the bills would institute a universal voucher program in New Hampshire, expanding eligibility to every school-aged child in the state, including 21,238 students who are currently enrolled in a private school or are homeschooled. The bills will next go to the floor for a full vote in the House of Representatives with no Committee recommendation.  Granite Staters overwhelmingly signed in to oppose efforts […]

A white sign held in front of the Legislative Office Building reads: Support Our Public Schools"