Daily Archives: January 17, 2024

NH Educators Oppose Efforts to Expand Unaccountable Voucher Scheme, Highlight Negative Impact to Public Schools, Students, and Taxpayers

CONCORD, NH – Today, the New Hampshire House Education Committee heard testimony on four bills that would so dramatically expand our state’s private school voucher program that the package would effectively institute universal vouchers. The bills heard were: HB 1634; HB 1677; HB 1561; and HB 1665.   Before the hearings, Granite Staters overwhelmingly signed in to oppose voucher expansion efforts:  Megan Tuttle, President of NEA-New Hampshire, provided the following statement after the hearings:  “Every family wants their children to have access to high-quality educational opportunities in their community that meet student needs and prepare them for success. But the package […]

A white sign held in front of the Legislative Office Building reads: Support Our Public Schools"