Yearly Archives: 2023

NEA-NH Testifies in Support of SB 217

SB 217 bill could mean up to $12,000 over a 4-year period for early educators who are trying to grapple with paying off loans NEA-NH President Megan Tuttle, along with NEA-NH Government Relations Direction Brian Hawkins, provided testimony, maps, and data in support of SB 217, a bill that will help rural areas or those that face economic disadvantages mitigate some of the strain of recruiting and retaining educators. “We have a tremendous workforce shortage in our K-12 schools,” said Tuttle. “This shortage existed before the pandemic and has been exacerbated by it. Now is the time for New Hampshire […]

NEA-H NH Legislative Update 02.10.23

It’s a busy week ahead again with upcoming hearings and votes. This week we will start with key action items first before we get to a recap of what happened this past week. Action Items For Next Week! 2 Bills to Strengthen the Educator Pipeline and Support for Early Educators ACTION ITEM: Please sign in, write in, or testify in SUPPORT of SB 217, which will be before the Senate Education Committee on Tuesday, February 14th at 9:00 am in the Legislative Office Building, Room 101. You can sign in remotely here. ACTION ITEM: Please sign in, write in, or […]

Statehouse Week In Review

February 4, 2023 By Brian Hawkins, NEA-NH Government Relations Director First School Voucher Expansion Bill Headed to House Floor This week the House Education voted on the first of 2 bills they have heard proposing to greatly expand the school voucher program. NEA-NH opposes both bills. You can see our written testimony against both bills by going to our legislative tracker and search for HB 464 or 367. HB 367 would simply expand the income eligibility of the program to 500% of the Federal Poverty Level, which for a family of 4 in 2023 is $150,000. The committee vote was […]

NEA-NH Legislative Update 01.27.23

Week in Review HB 533 – Power Grab from DOE on HRC Complaints Heard On Thursday of this week NEA-NH gave testimony opposing HB 533 before the House Judiciary Committee. This bill would allow the Department of Education itself to file a complaint “on behalf of any person aggrieved by a discriminatory practice by a school or school district.” This means that this would allow the Commissioner to directly take “banned concept” type complaints received by the Department and file official complaints to the Human Rights Commission. With Commissioner Edelblut’s history of standing with organizations and individuals that have put […]

NEA-NH: Treat Educators Like the Professionals They Are and Let Them Teach

NEA-NH testifies in opposition to HB 309 NEA-NH provided written testimony to the House Education Committee today in opposition of HB 309 asking the question why this legislation would be necessary to enact into law. In 2021, the legislature reaffirmed the policy and purpose statement of RSA 193-E:1, II, that it is the state that “establishes minimum standards for public school approval and academic standards for inclusion and delivery of educational services at the local level.” But it is the school districts that “then have responsibility and flexibility in implementing diverse educational approaches to instruction and curriculum tailored to meet […]

NEA-NH Legislative Update 01.20.23

Week in Review – Vouchers and Retirement School Voucher Expansion This week, the House Education committee heard 2 of the 3 bills being proposed to greatly expand the school voucher program. NEA-NH was there to testify against both bills. You can see our written testimony against both bills here. HB 464 would expand the school voucher eligibility by adding various new categories of students regardless of their family income. HB 367 would simply expand the income eligibility of the program to 500% of the Federal Poverty Level, which for a family of 4 in 2023 is $150,000. Both pieces of […]