Yearly Archives: 2023

Media Grant Paves Way for Statewide Commercials to Air in March

Filming Involves Students, Parents, and Educators from Salem Early on a Saturday morning in late February, a professional production crew crew and all their equipment descended on Salem High School. Their goal was to obtain footage for NEA-NH’s upcoming media campaign to increase our visibility in the state. Starting with two simple scripts and working with David Halpin from the Salem School District Communications and IT department, we recruited more than 20 students, educators, and parents to appear in the commercials. After unpacking and setting up the lights, make-up, break room supplies, microphones, and numerous cameras in the CTE area […]

Actions for this Week – Stop Book Bans by the Legislature

HB 514 is proposing to do away with the due process afforded by our courts for K-12 school employees and instead, make a court where politicians like Rep. Glenn Cordelli and Commissioner Edelblut or the State Board of Education will make unilateral determinations using a subjective standard as to what is considered “obscene” material. This is the NH version of an attempt at a book ban. No one is exempt or should be exempt from obscenity laws as proponents of this bill claims. Instead of supporting parents and teachers working together, this bill is another prosecutorial power grab by the […]

NEA-NH Opposes Bill Giving Ed Commissioner Subpoena Power

NEA-NH President Megan Tuttle testified in opposition to the non-germane amendment to HB 533 that would grant subpoena power to the NH DOE in Code of Conduct cases. “To begin with, we are not aware of any material that the DOE has asked for in the course of an official investigation under the Code of Conduct that they have not received so in asking for this added power it is important for them to concretely articulate why it is they need this new ability,” said Tuttle in her testimony. “The legislature should be cautious on why agencies beyond law enforcement […]

Legislative Update – February 18, 2023

Major Action Items for Next Week – Oppose More Voucher Expansion (Including Local District Vouchers are Back!) Action Items For Next Week! HB 331 would blow open the doors on the school voucher program by eliminating any income criteria to qualify for the program.Currently, to enter into the school voucher program, a household income must be at or below 300% of the Federal Poverty Level, or around $83k for a family of four in 2023. Under these current guidelines, the program has already exceeded spending by 500%. More than three quarters of the participants in the program now had already […]