Daily Archives: December 15, 2023

Well-Deserved Recognition: Artist Picked to Design Christa McAuliffe Memorial at the NH State House

As a social studies teacher, astronaut, and NEA-New Hampshire member, Christa McAuliffe touched the lives of countless students in her community, our state, and our country and inspired us all to reach for the stars.   This week, NEA-New Hampshire staff members had the honor of meeting with Ben Victor, the sculptor chosen for the Christa McAuliffe Memorial that will be placed on the New Hampshire State House plaza.  The memorial is slated to be finished and installed by September 2, 2024 – which would have been McAuliffe’s 76th birthday. She taught at Concord High School and was chosen for […]

Members of the NEA-NH Staff pose with Senator Becky Whitley and sculptor Ben Victor in the "Christa" Room.

A photo of the New Hampshire State House dome.

2024 – Legislative Preview and Upcoming Priorities 

The upcoming 2024 Legislative Session will once again put education in the spotlight. Of the nearly 1,000 bills that were filed for the upcoming session, there are well over 100 that deal directly with public education, and even more that impact public school educators and students in some form or fashion.  

NH Public Education Funding Scheme Ruled Unconstitutional – Again

In November, a State of New Hampshire Superior Court judge issued rulings in cases related to education adequacy aid and SWEPT that confirmed what we have known all along – the state has failed to adequately fund public education, instead downshifting costs to local communities.

A white sign held in front of the Legislative Office Building reads: Support Our Public Schools"

A headshot of Megan Tuttle

December 2023 Letter from the President: The challenges facing public education are too great not to succeed

By Megan Tuttle, President of NEA-New Hampshire As we start the holiday season, I want to take this opportunity to thank everyone for being a member of NEA-NH and for your dedication to improving the lives of New Hampshire’s children and their families. The craziness of the season creates demands on our time, so it is important to take just a minute to pause, relax, and reflect.  It seems we are constantly bombarded with bad news: an educator shortage; schools unable to hire and retain ESPs; public tax dollars intended for our public schools are diverted to subsidize private and […]