2022 NEA-NH Candidate Statements

The filing period to run for NEA-New Hampshire offices has closed and this year’s slate of candidates has been set. Voting begins no later than March 8 and closes at 5:00 p.m. on March 22, 2022. Voting will be conducted online. Candidates are entitled to submit statements and photographs for publication by NEA-NH. Candidates who submitted statements or photos for this election appear here.

An * indicates the candidate is the incumbent.


NEA Director Representing NEA-NH
3 year term – Elect One

Candidate: Terry Burlingame*
Statement: “My passion for education justice drives my advocacy at all levels. I have been honored to serve as NEA- NH Director for the last two years and ask for your vote once again to allow me to continue advocating for public education and justice.


Capital Region
2 year term – Elect One

Candidate: Kimberly Bleier*
Statement: I hope to once again represent the Capital Region on the NEA-NH Executive Board. I am passionate about supporting students and educators. My time on the Board has been fascinating and I value the opportunity to contribute my knowledge as a long-time educator, union representative and negotiator.”

Eastern Region
2 year term – Elect One

Candidate: Julie Doiron*
Statement: No statement provided.

Lakes Region
No Open Seats This Election

Monadnock Region
2 year term – Elect One

Candidate: No Candidates Filed – Write-in Will Determine Winner

Seacoast Region
1 year term – Elect One

Candidate: Ed O’Brien*
Statement: “I ask for your support and vote for the Seacoast region, to our Executive Board here in NH. I have been a voice for our great region and its specific considerations, and wish to continue with your help.” – EJO’B, Esq.

Seacoast Region
2 year term – Elect One

Candidate: Jake Goodwin*
Statement: No statement provided.

South Central Region
2 year term – Elect One

Candidate: No Candidates Filed – Write-in Will Determine Winner

Southern Region
2 year term – Elect Two

Candidate: Evan Czyzowski
Statement: “I have served four terms as a representative on the Executive Board and on the Budget Committee and Government Relations Committee. I care deeply about education and with your support, I will continue to advocate for students and educators by working with state leaders to improve education in New Hampshire.”

Candidate: No Candidate FiledWrite-in Will Determine Winner

Western Region
2 year term – Elect One

Candidate: Alicia Rydjeski*
Statement: No statement provided.

Educational Support Professionals Representative
2 year term – Elect One

Candidate: Jennifer Simon*
Statement: I have been working as a middle school para-professional in Merrimack for over a decade. I have experience serving as building representative, secretary, contract negotiator and as the current NEA-NH ESP Representative. I am looking forward to continuing the work of supporting and bringing visibility to ESPs of New Hampshire!

Retired Members Representative
2 year term – Elect One

Candidate: Sandy Amlaw*
Statement: “My name is Sandy Amlaw and I am running for retired seat on the NEA-NH Executive Board. I currently work with other retired groups in the state to protect the benefits of all public retirees. I would appreciate your support.”