Yearly Archives: 2021

Webinar 1/27: Winning the Fight to Preserve Public Education

Betsy DeVos has resigned as Secretary of Education, and under the incoming Biden administration, federal education policy will be led by an educator and public school graduate, Connecticut state education commissioner Miguel Cardona. For the first time in four years, public school educators will have a partner in Washington. But the right-wing effort to dismantle public education in the United States isn’t going away without a fight. And we can’t win that fight without understanding how and why it began. Join NEA-NH members and allies on January 27 at 7:00PM for a webinar to learn about the origins of the […]

NEA-New Hampshire and NEA Member Benefits Offer Virtual Retirement Seminars

Learn what you need in order to retire with peace of mind! NEA-NH and NEA Member Benefits are pleased to present virtual retirement seminars to help you plan for your retirement. This seminar is ideal for those who are 2-5 years (or more) from retirement. We will review many of the pieces of the retirement puzzle, including: – NH Retirement System– Healthcare and Medicare– Financial Planning Options– NEA Member Benefits for Retirees Registration is open to NEA-NH members. Please use the links below to register for the retirement seminar date and time that is most convenient for you.  A zoom […]

Governor: Please Name the School NEA-NH Has Stopped From Re-opening

During his press conference today, Governor Sununu stated teacher unions are blocking the reopening of school. So we’re asking Governor: please name the school NEA-NH has stopped from re-opening. If you want our schools to reopen, why are out-of-state ski patrol members getting vaccines before classroom teachers? NH Educators if you’re outraged you have to wait until downhill skiing is safe before your classroom is made safe, call the Governor and let him know: 603-271-2121

NEA-NH President Calls on Sununu to Explain Why Ski Patrol is Receiving COVID Vaccine Before Educators

NEA-NH President Says Sununu Should Follow Other States and Prioritize Vaccinating Educators in Phase 1 Concord, N.H. — Today, NEA-NH is calling on Governor Chris Sununu to explain why ski patrol staff are being prioritized for the Phase 1a allocation of the COVID vaccine ahead of New Hampshire educators. According to the NH Region Ski Patrol, ski patrol staff can receive the COVID vaccine during Phase 1a, ahead of educators who are slated to receive the vaccine in Phase 2, or by March. However, according to section 153-A of Emergency Medical and Trauma Services, the definition of emergency medical care […]

Commissioner Edelblut, What Kind of Example Are You Setting for Our Kids?

Governor Sununu, are you as shocked by the comments tweeted by your Education Commissioner as we are? For his first posts since the insurrection at the Capitol on Wednesday, Frank Edelblut did not choose to denounce the murder of a police officer or the violence perpetrated by the rioters incited by President Trump. Instead, he chose to denounce the decisions by private corporations to enforce their terms and conditions of use.   Let’s be very clear here: Parler was de-platformed because they refused to control incitement of violence and hatred – actions we would never let happen in our education […]