Monthly Archives: August 2021

NEA-NH: Today’s Adoption of Lax Voucher Rules Another Example of Fiscal Malpractice and Failed Leadership

CONCORD, NH – August 27, 2011 – Today’s vote by the State Board of Education to adopt lax oversight rules for the massive voucher expansion recently signed into law by Governor Sununu puts New Hampshire on an accelerated and dangerous path to defund our public schools. One that consistently ends poorly in states that have passed similar laws. Private schools in Florida now rake in close to $1 billion a year in public money. A voucher scheme like the one recently enacted here in New Hampshire is responsible for this dramatic diversion of public funds to help wealthy families in […]

NEA-NH Announces Support for Educator Vaccine and Testing Requirement

CONCORD, NH – August 13, 2021 – The NEA-New Hampshire Executive Board met today and voted with no dissent to support the statement published yesterday by the National Education Association regarding required vaccines for educators. “As a Board, we agree with NEA’s rationale and conclusions, and voted to adopt them as our own,” said Megan Tuttle, NEA-New Hampshire President. The NEA Statement appears below: National Education Association President Becky Pringle issued the following statement today announcing NEA’s support for requirements that all educators receive a COVID-19 vaccination or submit to regular COVID-19 testing. “No one wants to be back in […]

NEA-NH: We Are Urging All of Our Members to Get Vaccinated

Since the beginning of the pandemic, NEA-NH has advocated for protocols and precautions to ensure the safety of our students and educators. 15 months ago, that meant our support for temporary remote learning as PPE and cleaning equipment was purchased and procedures for their use implemented. Every day, we continue to advocate for repairs, upgrades and replacement of antiquated HVAC systems in many of our schools. We supported mandatory mask wearing for every in-person learning session. And we spoke out strongly for educators to be able to receive vaccines as soon as possible to help get our kids back into […]

With Educator Licenses on the Line, NEA-NH Renews Request for Details on Divisive Concepts Law

Today, NEA-New Hampshire, the state’s largest association of public employees, sent a follow-up letter seeking further guidance on the implementation of HB2 to the Attorney General and Commissioner of Education as their letter of July 12, 2021, has thus far been unanswered by either office. The Attorney General, Education Commissioner, and the Commission on Human Rights did release a brief ‘frequently asked questions’ guidance document addressing the implementation of the divisive concepts law contained in HB2. More than 90% of NEA-NH members surveyed recently believe the guidance document fails to answer the questions they have concerning implementation of the new […]