Monthly Archives: May 2021

Divisive Concepts Language Should be Deleted, Not Amended

Sen. Bradley’s divisive concepts amendment is yet another attempt to whitewash American history by intimidating schoolteachers into avoiding important conversations about race and mischaracterizing history lessons and current event discussions on racism and sexism as some plot to undermine America. The past and the present are interconnected. It’s impossible to teach America’s history without discussing injustice, especially when present-day events mirror historical lessons. The vagueness of this amendment makes it very unclear how it will impact history lessons in New Hampshire. What is very clear, however, are the sanctions for educators who violate it – disciplinary sanction by the state […]

Senate Committee Packs Vouchers Into State Budget Passing Costs on to Local Property Taxpayers

Today the Senate Finance committee included the most sweeping school voucher program in the country in the NH State Budget. In fact, the language approved was even more expansive than that passed by the Senate only a couple of months ago. This legislation has still received no analysis from the Legislative Budget Assistant. “It essentially a blank check written by Senate Republicans to be paid by local property taxpayers of New Hampshire,” said Megan Tuttle, NEA-NH President. “This legislation will raise property taxes by diverting taxpayer money for private, religious and home school vouchers with absolutely zero accountability for those […]

NEA-NH: This Budget Can be a Better Representation of the Priorities of the People of New Hampshire

“We have an opportunity on this, National Teacher Appreciation Day, to show the most important people we serve as educators, our students, that we support a strong public education for all by funding our schools and striving to be a more inclusive and just community.“ Today, NEA-NH President Megan Tuttle offered the following testimony to the Senate Finance Committee during their hearing on the state budget bills. Dear Chairman Daniels and Honorable members of the Senate Finance Committee, While the state budget bills contain numerous provisions in them, my testimony today focuses on 3 critical requests for this committee: first, […]

A headshot of Megan Tuttle