Daily Archives: March 9, 2021

Bill Seeks to Roll Back the Rights We Secured Last Year

As enacted last year and signed into law by Governor Sununu, each school district now bears the cost of supplying menstrual hygiene products at no cost in all gender neutral bathrooms and bathrooms designated for females located in public middle and high schools. It seems that the “cost” of providing this basic right to our students is is jut too high for some members of the committee who want to gut the law and change it to allow school districts to make reasonable efforts to ensure menstrual hygiene products are available to students. That’s not we what fought for. We cannot allow […]

NEA-NH President Testifies in Support of SB145 and Efforts to Maintain Education Funding Levels

SB145 is intended to maintain the level of  fiscal year 2022 state funding for school districts that have experienced significant disruptions during the COVID-19 pandemic in fiscal year 2021.  These disruptions have affected fall 2020 average daily membership in attendance, the number upon which fiscal year 2022 funding is based.  This bill will help school districts plan for town meetings, and help stabilize local property taxes. During the 2020-2021 school year, average daily membership attendance (ADMA) fell by approximately 8,000 students, due to shifting between in-person and remote learning. Free and reduced lunch enrollment fell by approximately 10,000, because of […]

Senate Education Recommends Private/Religious School Voucher Plan

Today the Senate Education committee recommended passing SB 130, a bill that would create a voucher program to send taxpayer money to private and religious schools, on a party line vote. At a time when our state,  schools and students face serious challenges, the last thing we need to do is spend scarce taxpayer dollars on vouchers for private or religious schools that are not accountable and can pick and choose their students.  Voucher programs like this one, use our tax dollars for unaccountable private schools and expenses. SB 130 also did not demand sufficient standards for accounting, education, or […]

NEA-NH Priorities for Public Education

We ask only what is right: equal opportunity for every student, every educator, every family. Committed to Improving Student Achievement and Education Quality Our students’ job is to learn, and our job is to make sure they can. Our democracy will flourish only when we ensure every school is fully funded, every child is treated with dignity, and every learner can pursue their passion. We must pass laws and policies that push forward the arc of justice–laws that protect all children’s access to a great public education, regardless of age, background, need, or zip code. As a civilized society focused […]