Daily Archives: March 2, 2021

NEA-NH Applauds President Biden for Prioritizing Educators for Vaccines

We have a new opportunity to keep students, educators and their families safe and focus on providing the education experience all students deserve. “We applaud the President’s announcement today reaffirming that education employees being vaccinated is a vital part of returning to full-time in-person education,” said Megan Tuttle, NEA-NH President NEA-NH has long advocated for a safe return to schools and vaccines are just one of the tools that can help accomplish that goal. It is refreshing to hear solutions coming from Washington to allow schools buildings to reopen as quickly and as safely as possible. “NEA-NH renews its offer […]

The Dismal Record of Vouchers Leaves Communities and Students Behind

The Senate began hearings on their version of a massive expansion of vouchers in New Hampshire. SB 130 establishes an “education freedom account” – better known as vouchers. Earlier this year, the House version, HB20, met with overwhelming opposition and was tabled. NEA-New Hampshire President Megan Tuttle offered her testimony in opposition to SB130 today. A copy of that testimony is included below. Madame Chairwoman and Members of the Senate Education Committee, I come before you today, amplifying the voices of more than 17,000 educators across the state, strongly opposed to Senate Bill 130 and the implications it would have […]