Yearly Archives: 2020

NEA-NH Recommends Deaglan McEachern for State Senate

August 17, 2020 – Concord, NH – NEA-NH announced their support for Deaglan McEachern for State Senate District 21 today. “Deaglan is committed to the goal that every student has an equal opportunity for success and can thrive regardless of their background or what zip code they live in our state,” said Megan Tuttle, president of NEA-NH. The pro-public education majority in the state senate this term delivered the largest increase in public education funding in nearly 20 years and will be a critical component to ensuring that we continue to build on this success. The next legislature will be […]

NEA-NH Renews Call for Remote Learning Until October as COVID-19 Case Confirmed in NH School District

Students and educators have been left to deal with Governor Sununu’s failed leadership on safely reopening our schools. We have continuously maintained that schools should open, but only if they can open safely. This past Monday, consistent with our Principles for Reopening, NEA-NH called for remote learning until October as the safest and least disruptive method to restart education in a pandemic. With any in-person learning it is not a question of keeping the virus out; it is a question of how much virus will you allow in before you must close again. Anticipating student, staff, and community contagion upticks, […]

NEA-NH Recommends Messmer for District 3 Executive Council

Mindi is a tireless advocate for families and will bring that passion to the Executive Council. NEA-New Hampshire, the state’s largest public sector union, announced their recommendation of Mindi Messmer for District 3 Executive Councilor today. As we continue to face the unprecedented challenges that COVID-19 poses, its more important than ever that scientists and public health and education advocates at the table making decisions that impact our children and their families. “I am honored to earn NEA-NH’s support at such a critical time for public education in NH. Teachers and school districts are being asked to come up with […]

NEA-NH Recommends Volinsky for Governor

Volinsky believes as we do that our schools must be safe environments that are funded fairly.  July 30, 2020 – CONCORD, NH – Public school students, educators and their families cannot trust Chris Sununu as governor now and can certainly not afford to have him remain in office for another term. Governor Chris Sununu failed students, their parents, and the communities in which they live. He failed teachers, paraeducators, lunch workers, school bus drivers, secretaries and every other education employee working in New Hampshire long before he proposed his own self-described Swiss Cheese approach to re-opening schools during the Corona […]

NEA-NH Releases Principles for Reopening

District plans that include any amount of in-person instruction need to follow these steps before beginning such instruction or allowing staff and students into a school building. July 22, 2020 – CONCORD, NH – Today, NEA-New Hampshire released our Principles for Reopening, a document that reflects the values of the organization regarding the safe reopening of our schools. In the middle of a pandemic that shows no signs of slowing in the United States, Governor Sununu and Commissioner Edelblut have put the priority on flexibility leaving thousands of students and staff to fend for themselves at the local level. The […]

Governor’s Guidelines Will Not Keep Students Safe

During yesterday’s press briefing, Governor Sununu took a 30-minute victory lap to tout New Hampshire’s impressive COVID-19 results. With charts and graphs he explained where we now stand in the country in our fight to contain the virus. It is impossible to deny the gains we have made as a state. The Governor then moved to the subject of re-opening our schools and introduced his recommendations on how that was to be done. The victory lap was over, replaced by the Governor fumbling the ball on the one-yard line. The Governor stressed the flexibility and local control nature of his guidelines. He stated […]