Daily Archives: September 18, 2020

NEA-NH: DeVos Visit Amplifies How Disastrous the Trump and Sununu Administrations Have Been for Public Education

CONCORD, NH – September 18, 2020 – Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos is in New Hampshire today. We are certain she is not here to advocate for additional support and resources for our public schools because she has never done so before. “Her visit to celebrate the reopening success of some of our schools is disingenuous at best as both she and our own Governor and Education Commissioner have succeeded in diverting funds meant to help public schools reopen safely to private schools,” said Megan Tuttle, NEA-New Hampshire President.  Even with Secretary DeVos in town today, lawmakers once again wisely rejected […]

NEA-NH Recommends Cinde Warmington for District 2 Executive Council

CONCORD, NH – September 18, 2020 – NEA-New Hampshire announced their recommendation of Cinde Warmington for District 2 Executive Council today. “We’re confident Cinde’s experience uniquely prepares her to be a leader on the council in holding the governor and his education commissioner accountable during this critical time for educators during the pandemic,” said Megan Tuttle, NEA-NH President. “As Cinde says, we have seen for the last two years, that one vote is the difference between a Commissioner of Education who believes in public education, and one who seeks to undermine it every single day,” continued Tuttle. All our students […]