Monthly Archives: June 2020

NEA-NH Statement on Executive Council Board of Education Vote

The State Board of Education is responsible for providing leadership and oversight to our education system. This requires experience in education, whether that be prior service on a school board, in  school administration or as an educator in a classroom; a demonstrated commitment and advocacy around advancing educational policies and outcomes; or any other activity that indicates the nominee has the experience and expertise to best serve our state’s children, the vast majority of whom attend public schools. NEA-NH routinely opposes nominations that do not demonstrate a background in public education or the expertise to guide the 167 school districts […]

Commissioner Edelblut Just Does Not Get It.

There are so many important issues that need addressing in our schools right now, but our Commissioner keeps fighting the “Learn Everywhere” battle over and over and over. “Racial inequalities, food insecurity, and the health and safety of our students and staff during any reopening of schools should be his focus right now,” said Megan Tuttle, NEA-NH President.  “Instead, he continues to push his program to bully school districts into accepting graduation credits from unqualified sources.”  At a time when more than 2 million Americans have contracted COVID-19 and more than 114,000 have died from the disease, instead of trying […]

NEA-NH Recommends Plunkett for District 2 Council Seat

NEA-NH announced their backing of Leah Plunkett for District 2 Executive Council today. “As a parent, educator and NEA-NH member, Leah knows first-hand how a high quality public education can change a student’s life for the better,” said Megan Tuttle, NEA-NH President. “That’s one of the many reasons why we are excited to recommend her. We know as a member of the Executive Council, Leah will be a fierce advocate for our public school students, staff and their families.”  The Executive Council provides a critical check on the governor, assessing state contracts, and vetting candidates for important positions such as […]

Unemployment Eligibility in Light of COVID-19: A Q&A Session with the NH Department of Employment Security

Did your school year end early? Could your next school year start late? Are you less sure this year that you will have a job when school starts again than you were last year? Are you are an education support professional and do not know how the rules are different for you? Do you typically work during the summer break as an employee or in self-employment, but are not sure you will be able to work this summer due to COVID-19? If you answered “yes” to any of these questions, NH-NEA urges you to join a special webinar “Unemployment Eligibility […]