Daily Archives: June 11, 2020

Unemployment Eligibility in Light of COVID-19: Q&A Session With The NH Dept of Employment Security (Recorded)

On June 10, NEA-NH hosted a live Q&A session with representatives from the New Hampshire Department of Employment Security to answer member’s questions about eligibility for unemployment benefits as a result of cutbacks due to COVID-19. More than 160 members attended the live session. We’re providing the audio portion of the event in case you were unable to attend. If you have any questions about your eligibility, please be sure to visit the New Hampshire Department of Employment Security website. You can also start a claim there.

NEA-NH Statement on Executive Council Board of Education Vote

The State Board of Education is responsible for providing leadership and oversight to our education system. This requires experience in education, whether that be prior service on a school board, in  school administration or as an educator in a classroom; a demonstrated commitment and advocacy around advancing educational policies and outcomes; or any other activity that indicates the nominee has the experience and expertise to best serve our state’s children, the vast majority of whom attend public schools. NEA-NH routinely opposes nominations that do not demonstrate a background in public education or the expertise to guide the 167 school districts […]