Monthly Archives: May 2020

NEA-NH: DOE Survey Not Designed to Ask the Right Questions

If you haven’t seen it yet, the New Hampshire Department of Education has released a survey to collect information about the best way to safely reopen our schools. Spoiler alert: If you decide to take the survey, be prepared to spend 20 minutes of your day helping the Commissioner of Education collect data to support his political belief that public education as we know it is fundamentally flawed and that private, charter and virtual schools are the answer to all our problems. “The commissioner’s survey is set up to deliver a pre-determined result that supports his agenda of promoting private […]

NEA President Eskelsen Garcia Issues Statement About Killing of George Floyd

Washington—NEA President Lily Eskelsen García issued the following statement about the tragic death of George Floyd at the hands of Minneapolis police officers:   “The National Education Association understands the deep racial history and trauma caused by the culture of white supremacy, and we believe that to achieve racial and social justice, we must acknowledge it as the primary root cause of institutional racism, structural racism, and white privilege. It is a privilege that manifests as white people weaponizing the police against black men and women going about their daily lives. During this pandemic, we have also seen police treating […]

NEA-New Hampshire Announces Recommendation of Biden for President

State’s largest union announces support for “tireless advocate for public education” May 15, 2020 – Concord, NH – NEA-New Hampshire, the state’s largest union, today announced their recommendation of Joe Biden for President. “It is my great honor and privilege to announce that NEA-New Hampshire is recommending Joe Biden for President and is asking our 17,000 members and their families to support him on Election Day in November,” said Megan Tuttle, NEA-New Hampshire President. NEA-NH believes that Joe Biden is the tireless advocate for public education and partner that students and educators need in the White House. He is committed […]

Tips to Buy Laptops and More for Remote Teaching Success

Use this checklist to help you choose the right laptop, software and more to set up your home base. by NEA Member Benefits As schools across the country have closed due to coronavirus concerns, teachers are getting their home offices set up so they can successfully deliver remote lessons to their students. However, they’re realizing their computer systems need to be updated to meet the challenge. Many NEA members have contacted us to find out how to use their membership benefits to get discounts on laptops. We’re helping teachers with that urgent request now with discounts through our Limited-Time Offers and NEA Click […]

Tuttle Talks Archive Page Now Available

Each Tuesday evening at 7:30, NEA-NH President Megan Tuttle hosts a Zoom conversation with members covering important topics related to public education and the coronona virus. If you’ve missed any of the conversations, or simply want to hear them again, you can access the audio to each on the Tuttle Talk Archive page.