Monthly Archives: January 2020

Portion of 2018-2019 NEA-NH Dues Dollars Not Tax Deductible

The Revenue Reconciliation Act of 1993 eliminated the individual federal income tax deduction for lobbying expenses paid or incurred as part of membership dues. This affects only those members who itemize deductions and meet the two-percent minimum requirement for additional miscellaneous deductions. Those members will not be able to deduct that portion of the NEA–NH 2018-19 union dues attributable to lobbying. The non-deductible portion of the dues for 2018-2019 is 9.68% or $44.54 for a full-time teacher.

38th Annual Martin Luther King, Jr. Day Community Celebration

The Martin Luther King Coalition invites all to the 38th Annual Martin Luther King, Jr. Day Community Celebration, Monday, January 20th. The Coalition has organized annual observances of Dr. King’s birthday since 1983. Its members include diverse local organizations dedicated to carrying on Dr. King’s work to end racism, eliminate poverty, and promote peace through active nonviolence. This year’s celebration will be held will again be held at Temple Adath Yeshurun, 152 Prospect Street, Manchester, NH 03104. The celebration is free to the public and all are welcome. Celebration details include: 2:00 pm-3:00 pm Community Dessert Sharing Musical sections by […]

NEA-NH Government Relations Committee: Many Strong Choices for Educators This Primary

When asked by Patrick Cogan, Chair of NEA-NH’s Government Relations Committee, what a recommendation from NEA-NH would mean to his campaign, Cory Booker replied that the Presidency of the United States is the most powerful and influential position in the world, impacting the lives of Americans and countless people around the world. An NEA-NH recommendation would help him, or any candidate, do well in the New Hampshire primary, proving that he or she was a viable candidate as they moved into other primaries across the nation. “In short,” Booker said, “the people in this room could change world history.” This […]

Newmarket Support Staff Builds Better Wages and Benefits

My name is Pam Young and I am a paraprofessional in the Newmarket School District and President of the Newmarket Support Staff, which includes paraprofessionals and tutors. I became a paraprofessional in Newmarket eight years ago, so I could help children in my town and work hours that coincided with my own kids’ schedules. Working in the district, and being a parent of three children in the same district, gave me insight into what the support staff do every day for kids. This work is challenging and paraprofessionals and tutors work hard to ensure students are safe and successful in […]

Priorities for New Hampshire Public Education: NEA-NH’s 2020 Legislative Agenda

It is clear to us that great public schools are the result of valuing children over profit. As a society, we have long held that the value of public education was so great, that we would all share in its costs. Elected officials have the power to create and fund laws that can help fulfill that or break that promise. So as long as politicians have a say in what goes on in our classrooms, we must be sure our voices are heard by them as they go about the people’s business in Washington, Concord, and our local communities. Students […]