Yearly Archives: 2019

5 Steps to Get Rid of Back-to-School Anxiety

Start the year strong and curb back-to-school jitters with these tips and ideas from educator, educational speaker and author, Dr. Harry Wong. by NEA Member Benefits Back-to-school is an exciting time, even if you’ve been teaching for decades. Sure, you’re excited to welcome a new class of students, but getting back to class may also bring first-day butterflies, stress and concerns about your ability to groom successful learners. The antidote to your anxiety, says Harry Wong, co-author of “The First Days of School” and “THE Classroom Management Book” (, is a carefully thought out classroom management plan. “A well-managed classroom […]

Chris Sununu Sided With the Gun Lobby – Not Our Kids. Let Him Know How Disappointed You Are.

At a final debate as a Gubernatorial candidate in 2016, Chris Sununu promised voters he’d support universal background checks and other measures to protect Granite Staters, especially victims of domestic violence, but now Sununu is siding with the corporate gun lobby instead of standing up for common sense public safety measures.   Last week, Chris Sununu vetoed three bills meant to implement common sense gun violence protection measures. Three bills passed by the New Hampshire House and Senate and supported by a majority of New Hampshire citizens.  Three bills which would have made our schools, places of worship, and stores […]

Sununu Vetoes All Three Gun Violence Prevention Bills

The Governor has no intention of keeping guns out of schools New Hampshire Governor Chris Sununu vetoed three bills meant to implement common sense gun violence protection measures last week. All three bills were passed by the New Hampshire House and Senate. On Friday, NEA-NH president Megan Tuttle said, “Governor Chris Sununu vetoed three bills today which would have made our schools, places of worship, and stores where New Hampshire families shop safer.  We don’t have to wonder who has the ear of Governor Sununu.  We do have to wonder why his is listening to them.  I believe we can […]

NEA-NH President Joins NH Citizens in Urging Governor to Sign Gun Violence Prevention Bills

In a packed LOB this afternoon, NEA-NH President Megan Tuttle joined elected officials, and activists in calling on Governor Sununu to sign the 3 gun violence prevention bills on his desk passed by the NH House and Senate earlier this year. “We do not need to debate one day longer on why mass killings take place in America. We’ve seen enough people killed in schools, in houses of worship, in malls, at movie theaters and stores. We know killers commit these violent acts because they have mental health problems, or they are racist, or they don’t value human life,” said […]

Negotiations Resume Between MEA and Manchester Board of School Committee

MANCHESTER, NH  July 31, 2019 — Negotiators for the Manchester Board of School Committee and the Manchester Education Association met for the second time in two weeks in pursuit of a new contract.  In a joint statement, the parties announced that new ground rules governing the bargaining sessions were adopted and that a conceptual salary proposal from the MEA was discussed.  There were also discussions on health insurance.             The negotiating teams disclosed that under the new bargaining rules, a statement will be issued following each session. The statement will include any written proposals presented by either negotiating team.  Bargaining […]

JLCAR Cites 8 Reasons to Object to So Called Learn Everywhere Rules

As reported yesterday, the Joint Legislative Committee on Administrative Rules (JLCAR) voted to preliminarily object to the so called Learn Everywhere rules submitted by Education Commissioner Edelblut and narrowly approved by the State Board of Education. The committee cited 8 reasons for their objection in a letter to the State Board of Education. Sen. Jay Kahn, a member of the Joint Legislative Committee on Administrative Rules (JLCAR) stated that “the Committee is required to determine if proposed rules are consistent with legislative intent and can be implemented without conflict with other state laws or rules. Specifically, a Department or Board […]