Daily Archives: July 20, 2019

JLCAR Cites 8 Reasons to Object to So Called Learn Everywhere Rules

As reported yesterday, the Joint Legislative Committee on Administrative Rules (JLCAR) voted to preliminarily object to the so called Learn Everywhere rules submitted by Education Commissioner Edelblut and narrowly approved by the State Board of Education. The committee cited 8 reasons for their objection in a letter to the State Board of Education. Sen. Jay Kahn, a member of the Joint Legislative Committee on Administrative Rules (JLCAR) stated that “the Committee is required to determine if proposed rules are consistent with legislative intent and can be implemented without conflict with other state laws or rules. Specifically, a Department or Board […]

Senate President and House Speaker Respond to Governor’s Budget Invitation to Local Leaders

After vetoing the budget a few weeks ago, Governor Sununu’s office invited local officials from around the state for a closed-door information session in Concord Friday morning.  As reported by the Concord Monitor, in a letter sent out to towns and cities July 9, Sununu laid out a vigorous defense of that veto. “Just like you, I am responsible for the operations of government,” Sununu wrote. “Just like you, I must prioritize needs in order to budget within the state’s means.”  The Governor insists that the business profits tax rate not be increased to 7.9% from its present 7.7%, stalling the budget process and halting millions […]