Monthly Archives: May 2019

House Sends Bill to Require Menstrual Products in Schools To Governor

The New Hampshire House voted in favor of a bill that would require all female and gender-neutral bathrooms in middle and high schools in the state to stock free menstrual products. NEA-NH strongly supported this bill. The bill was spearheaded by 17-year-old Spaulding High School student Caroline Dillon of Rochester. “By most measures, we offer some of the highest quality of living measures in the country,” said Megan Tuttle, NEA-NH President. “But in New Hampshire, some middle and high school girls have to either miss school because of their monthly periods or leave class to go to the nurse’s office […]

Thinking About Joining NEA-NH? Take Advantage of Our Early Enrollment Incentive

Your Advocate. Your Partner. Your NEA. Being an educator isn’t a job, it’s a calling. It’s also personally rewarding and professionally demanding. That’s why the NEA-NH strives to provide you with the support you need to be great at what you do. As a participant in NEA-New Hampshire’s Early Enrollment Membership Incentive Plan, you are eligible to receive – prior to September 1, 2019, benefits under the NEA Educators Employment Liability Insurance Program, as well as access to select NEA Member Benefits programs, then start paying dues on September 1, 2019. The Value of Membership With NEA-NH you’re never on […]

Say ‘Thank You’ on National Teacher Day

It’s that time of year again: Teacher Appreciation Week, and National Teacher Day is May 7! Over the past year, more than ever before, teacher voices have been heard  – and not just in classrooms. These educators are making a difference across the country and in their own communities. The #RedForEd camapign  has united educators, parents and students in a powerful movement to advocate for and protect the nation’s public schools. After years in which funding for public schools has stagnated or even fallen, teachers are demanding the support and learning environments that students in every neighborhood deserve. The campaign has been […]

Celebrate National Teacher Appreciation Week 2019

Want to thank your favorite New Hampshire teacher for expanding your mind? Or all teachers for the incredible work they do each day? Use one of our online thank you cards. Select your favorite card design, enter a custom message and share via social media. Don’t forget to tag your favorite teacher(s) in your post! Wear #REDforED on Wednesday, May 8 This year, we especially appreciate all our NEA-NH members who are fighting for school funding, professional pay, and better learning conditions for their students. Show your solidarity with them by wearing red on Wednesday, May 8, and sharing a […]

The Widening Mental Health Treatment Gap in Schools

As educators, parents and students across the nation continue to advocate for more public school funding, the gaps in resources available to students continue to widen. One major area of concern getting more attention over the past few years is the scarcity of mental health resources in schools. Without the necessary services, students, especially those undiagnosed or untreated, are falling behind their peers. According to a new study published in The Journal of Pediatrics, millions of children across the U.S. are experiencing depression, anxiety and/or behavioral disorders. “Mental disorders in childhood can negatively affect…children’s ability to achieve social, emotional, cognitive, […]

NEA President: Educators Will Play a Major Role in Choosing the Next President

Largest labor union launches Strong Public Schools campaign aimed at engaging its three million members WASHINGTON— The National Education Association jumped into the 2020 presidential campaign for the first time during a national conference call with reporters—highlighting what is at stake in this election and declaring that its more than three million members will have a powerful and unique voice in selecting the next president of the United States. “We are choosing more than the next president of the United States in the 2020 election,” said NEA President Lily Eskelsen García. “We are defining who we are as a country […]