Daily Archives: May 7, 2019

Thinking About Joining NEA-NH? Take Advantage of Our Early Enrollment Incentive

Your Advocate. Your Partner. Your NEA. Being an educator isn’t a job, it’s a calling. It’s also personally rewarding and professionally demanding. That’s why the NEA-NH strives to provide you with the support you need to be great at what you do. As a participant in NEA-New Hampshire’s Early Enrollment Membership Incentive Plan, you are eligible to receive – prior to September 1, 2019, benefits under the NEA Educators Employment Liability Insurance Program, as well as access to select NEA Member Benefits programs, then start paying dues on September 1, 2019. The Value of Membership With NEA-NH you’re never on […]

Say ‘Thank You’ on National Teacher Day

It’s that time of year again: Teacher Appreciation Week, and National Teacher Day is May 7! Over the past year, more than ever before, teacher voices have been heard  – and not just in classrooms. These educators are making a difference across the country and in their own communities. The #RedForEd camapign  has united educators, parents and students in a powerful movement to advocate for and protect the nation’s public schools. After years in which funding for public schools has stagnated or even fallen, teachers are demanding the support and learning environments that students in every neighborhood deserve. The campaign has been […]