Yearly Archives: 2018

Important NEA-NH Voter Credential Information

NEA-NH Elections will be held from March 8 to March 22. As in years past, the election will be conducted online. To access your ballot, you will be asked to enter your Last Name and Member ID number. Member ID numbers were emailed to all members with an email address on file with NEA-NH.  Member IDs will also be sent via email on March 8 when the election opens, along with the link to the voting website.   FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS When is the election? The 2018 NEA-NH elections will be conducted online from March 8 through March 22.  Electronic […]

NEA-NH President Seeks Governor’s Public Support for HB1415

Yesterday, NEA-NH President Megan Tuttle sent Governor Sununu a letter seeking his public support for HB1415, the School Employee Death Benefit Bill.  Here is the full text of her letter. February 26,2018 Dear Governor Sununu, As you know, the New Hampshire House of Representatives has passed House Bill 1415, an act establishing a death benefit for a school employee killed in the line of duty. The House Finance Committee is now charged with examining the financial impact of the bill and then reporting it to the full House. I am enclosing a copy of the legislation with this letter for […]

NEA-NH President Declares School Shootings Cannot Become the ‘New Normal’

It’s time to demand our politicians do more than express sorrow and regret when children are gunned down at school CONCORD, NH – February 15, 2018 – “On behalf of our 17,000 members, I want to express our profound sympathies to the families of those killed in yesterday’s school shooting in Florida” said NEA-NH President, Megan Tuttle. She continued, “Some news commentators have said the killing of students and school employees is the ‘new normal.’ We cannot allow this to happen. Sadly, if nothing is done to address the issues that lead people to deliberately shoot school children and those […]

Gaining Experience and Proficiency Step-by-Step

As Town Meeting and elections approach, it’s important to be sure that everyone understands what Teacher Salary Steps are and how they work. It is common practice across the country to determine a teacher’s compensation based on a Salary Schedule. A Salary Schedule contains steps and lanes. Steps reflect a teacher’s classroom experience while lanes are based on a teacher’s academic achievements. Teachers have, with the use of a stepped salary schedule, agreed to a school district’s assertion that a fully qualified teacher has both the background and actual experience required to obtain the full pay as outlined at the […]

NEA-NH President Applauds House Committee Vote

House ED&A Committee votes to move educator death benefit forward with a recommendation of Ought to Pass with Amendment CONCORD, NH – January 31, 2018 – NEA-New Hampshire President Megan Tuttle applauded the House ED&A Committee’s 11-6 vote to move HB 1415 forward with a recommendation of Ought to Pass with Amendment. HB 1415 establishes a benefit of $100,000 for the family of an educator killed in the line of duty. “When I first became a teacher 19 years ago, nobody told me that part of an educator’s job description included being expected to put myself in harm’s way to […]

NEA-NH President ‘s Testimony Against SB 193

  On Tuesday, NEA-New Hampshire President Megan Tuttle provided the testimony listed below to the House Finance Committee in opposition to SB 193, the unconstitutional voucher bill currently under consideration. The hearing on the bill lasted nearly four hours, and the House Finance Committee Room overflowed into the hallway. Opponents of the bill outnumbered supporters. In addition to President Tuttle’s testimony, NEA-NH presented the Committee with testimony from nearly 50 NEA-NH members in opposition to the bill. Because this bill is in House Finance, only financial considerations were allowed to be discussed. The bill now heads to a subcommittee on […]